Letters To The Editor

October 25, 2006 - MidWeek
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Recycling bags
I read Jade Moon’s column on plastic bags with great interest. I shop at Times Supermarket because they give 3 cents for every plastic bag I bring back for reuse when I shop. Many years ago, Safeway and Foodland used to give 6 cents for each bag, but they stopped.
Hurrah for Times for continuing their program despite the low participation. More of you out there should do it. It sure reduces the bags I have to cope with and I get a few cents back.
By the way, I use other stores’ bags for my trash.
Rose Shin
Aiona is a hero
My name is Lt. Col. Douglas Nomura, an active duty officer assigned to U.S. Army Pacific Command. I am a 1980 St. Louis and 1985 University of Hawaii graduate, writing in regards to Bob Jones’ claims that Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona is “is not known as the most brilliant diamond in the display case.”
Born and raised in Ewa Beach, and 75 percent Hawaiian, I am very proud to inform you and your readers that young men throughout Hawaii look up to a role model like Duke Aiona - his record speaks louder than words: a lawyer and a former prosecutor and judge.
Has Bob Jones ever met or interviewed Duke Aiona? Is Bob implying the Duke is not capable enough to be governor because he is Hawaiian or has brown skin? I certainly hope not.
Douglas Nomura
Ewa Beach
Gross, but good
Reading Kerry Miller’s story about worms, at first I was reminded of taking my two young sons to Bishop Museum’s “gross out” exhibit. But as I read on, I thought, wow, what a great idea. Thanks for sharing ways to live “green.”
Lisa Miyasato
Pearl City
MidWeek is on it
My phone has been ringing off the hook since Kerry Miller’s story “Fun With Worms” (on worm composting) appeared in MidWeek, and our Manoa Workshop is three-quarters full already.
I appreciate MidWeek taking the time to cover the Worm Conference and get a feel for the enthusiasm of the crowd - it was really a fun and interesting event, and nobody else but MidWeek picked it up. Guess those other editors just don’t get it.
Mindy Jaffe
GOP porkers
Although he’s definitely right-leaning, I give Robert Novak credit for reporting the truth about Republicans grabbing as much “pork” as they can before the elections. If they lose, I imagine that porking will only increase until January, when the Democrats take over. Hopefully, they will do.
Michael Lee
Boning up on knees
Bob Jones did a real public service with his personal tale of considering knee-replacement surgery. I’m in a similar situation and, thanks to Bob, I’m also putting off surgery. I’m so grateful I read that column.
Robert Yim
Wine and laughs
I just had to write and tell you that my two favorite MidWeek columns are Ron Nagasawa and Roberto Viernes. I can usually empathize with Ron’s and often get a good laugh (laughing with him, not at him-we’ve all been there).
I’m not a wine enthusiast but I enjoy reading Roberto’s column. He’s a good writer and I’m learning a lot about wines.
Keep up the good work!
Kevin Feeney
Getting its right
In the Oct. 11 issue on page 29, there is a glaring error: GOP getting it’s pork ... There shouldn’t be an apostrophe because what is needed is the possessive its. This is a frequent error these days and it drives me nuts (I am a retired Spanish teacher).
The reason I complain is because you press folks are very important and influential in educating the public in correct language usage. There are numerous complaints that our kids don’t do well in exams and fall behind in verbal tests. Well, we can all do our part by giving them correct examples in print and on TV. Thanks for hearing me out.
Margo McGrath
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