Letters To The Editor

November 08, 2006 - MidWeek
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Teach kids to steal
Thank you to Jade Moon for her column “Teaching Your Keiki How To Steal.” She is sadly right: Children often learn to steal from their parents.
I wish you would follow up this great article with another about the less obvious ways that so many people give their children these lessons. Two that come to mind are illegal cable TV hookups, and illegal sharing and copying music. These are “little,” easy things to do that don’t really “feel” illegal. Many people who illegally share music would never shoplift in a store. The message they send, though, is the same as the mother’s in Ms. Moon’s column.
Thanks, also, for Jade’s weekly column. I have enjoyed it for many years.
Mike Richards
Bad parents
If one day that woman Jade Moon saw stealing in front of her children ends up visiting those children in prison, I hope she’ll realize who their role model was.
Jack Ishii
Korea questions
After reading Alfonso Largo’s letter saying Kim Jung-Il of North Korea is not “goofy,” as Don Chapman alleged (rather understatedly, in my opinion), and that Kim is developing nuclear weapons to “defend his country” from the U.S., I have two questions and one comment for Mr. Largo:
1) Since he so obviously hates America, why not go live somewhere else - say, like, North Korea?
2) How does Mr. Largo justify Kim starving millions of his own people while spending millions on nukes, not to mention Mercedes and expensive liquors? National defense?
3) North Korea is not “independent.” If it were, it would not get 80 percent of its energy from China or receive millions of dollars in food from the U.S. and South Korea.
Art Miller
Here and there
I’ve appreciated Don Chapman’s reporting and insights into what’s happening on the Korean peninsula. It’s good stuff that I haven’t found in other media. I do enjoy MidWeek‘s mix of both local and national/international news.
John Lum
Bush blunders
Give Robert Novak, a conservative columnist, credit for not drinking the GOP Kool-Aid. His column about how the Bush administration is blowing it in Nicaragua was very revealing, and confirms in my mind that the former Texas governor hasn’t a clue about dealing with international issues.
Steven Lee
Pearl City
Yes to bike lanes
As a longtime bicyclist who only rides on a few streets near home - for fear of venturing out on main thoroughfares, thanks for publishing the story on the ballot measure to build more bike paths and make Honolulu more friendly to pedestrians and bikers.
This is really a matter of health and quality of life.
Alice Ching
A pal of Democrats
I read MidWeek every week, and have concluded that Dan Boylan is not a political columnist, but a shill for the Democratic Party. Without a doubt he gives them more unpaid advertising than any writer in the state, and by paying him to write columns you in turn are giving the Dems free advertising. As an independent, I too can be critical, but his recent column comments regarding the president and governor were tasteless. I suspect they have at least one thing over on him, they are probably coital capable!
Paul Miller
Lacrosse grows
Thank you to MidWeek and writer Rasa Fournier for publishing the excellent article on youth lacrosse. We have received numerous positive calls and e-mails in response. The piece was also mentioned by many people at our Hawaii International Lacrosse Tourney this past weekend.
Jeff Overton, Vice President Aloha Youth Lacrosse Assoc.
Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.E-mail this story | Print this page | Comments (0) | Archive | RSS Comments (0) |
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