Letters To The Editor

November 22, 2006 - MidWeek
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Bush: dodging folks
So George W. Bush is stopping over in Honolulu again, on his return from another visit to a Communist country, Vietnam. The last time, in October 2003, he was returning from a visit to China.
On that visit, his handlers would not let him see the thousands of American patriots who were protesting his unwarranted attack on Iraq, which posed no threat to our country. While thousands of us peacefully demonstrated outside the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Mr. Bush was sneaked into the GOP fundraiser via a back entrance, hiding in an unmarked van so he would not see Hawaii’s opposition to his war. He did not see how we felt about his actions, which have since been proven to be wrong, illegal and probably criminal, and which have since caused the death of an estimated 655,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children. Next month, his war will have lasted longer than World War II, and he still has no plan for victory and no exit strategy.
On this visit, the President will stay on base at Hickam, and will be totally out of touch with the people of Hawaii. Then again, there won’t even be the usual horrendous traffic problems that accompany visits by heads of state.
Keith Haugen, Veteran
O’Reilly twists facts
Bill O’Reilly doesn’t miss a chance to persist in his campaign to sell the commodity of his choice, i.e. preemptive wars against nations that do not represent the remotest threat to our nation. His repeated efforts mean only that he is a mercenary for hypercapitalism, for U.S. neoconservatives and for Zionist Israel, the powers that are leading the world to ruin while trying to spread America’s and Israel’s hegemony over the planet. His allegations that the present rise in public opposition to the war in Iraq is “only based on performance not a moral objection as we saw in the Vietnam era” are spurious.
Mr. O’Reilly’s statements are full of deception and fact-twisting. Most of those who read or watch him realize where he stands. He has no qualms about having our sons and daughters sacrificed on the altars of the Bushites’and the Zionist Israelis’ attempts at tightening their control on the world’s energy resources as a means of absolute global hegemony. He does not mind if the U.S. spends trillions of dollars of the taxpayers’money on these murderous adventures, and in so doing sacrificing the future of educational, public medical insurance and Social Security programs for those wild dreams of bigger empire.
Concealing those demonic adventures by clothing them in different veils of “the war against terror,” “preventing the spread of WMDs” or “spreading democracy” has been detected as fallacious deception and lies by larger and larger sections of American public opinion. The realization that we have been led into an immoral and illegal war, in which we are sacrificing, in vain, blood and treasure and our reputation of morality and fair play, and that we have unfairly committed war crimes in Iraq, murdered 660,000 innocent Iraqis and destroyed Iraq’s infrastructure, is the only explanation for the shift we have seen in the recent elections.
Mr. O’Reilly cannot convince people otherwise.
Dr. Ramsis Lutfy
Outrageous cartoon
It’s outrageous for cartoonist Roy Chang to suggest in his editorial cartoon that “individual choice” is violated by the new smoking law or that there is an “unfair tax” to smokers.
Just a couple days ago I was at a covered bus stop with an old lady and some guy walks up, sits down and lights up a cigarette right next to the old lady. Then another guy comes and does the same. This happens all the time to me. Every single day I am breathing other people’s smoke and absorbing toxins and garbage that I did not ask for.
Eric Barker
A bad plan
I saw Mayor Mufi Hannemann’s infomercial about light rail, fixed rail, and how we are going to grow 30 percent by the year 2030. Can Mufi explain to us, honestly, where our fresh water is going to come from?
I know this is a can of worms for the people who like to grow, but I think Mufi needs a reality check! We can limit our building permits and regulate our growth accordingly.
Phil Robertson
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