Letters To The Editor

December 20, 2006 - MidWeek
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Missing the point
Letter-writers who are critical of Dan Boylan’s column about Bush’s visit and the unfortunate death and injuries to some of Honolulu’s finest men in blue are missing the point.
They should be asking why HPD was at Hickam AFB in the first place.
Did their presence mean that the Air Force base police cannot provide traffic control to quickly move the president from his quarters to the mess hall meeting with the troops? Does it mean the Secret Service, which accompanies the president, cannot provide security for him?
Keith Haugen
Christian values?
Tom Freitas’letter overlooks the fact that it is not just “other religions” that pose a threat when mixed with politics. George W. Bush & Co. used religion and “wedge issues” to win and to govern. Then he invaded and bombed a country of innocent people in Iraq, killing thousands and destroying their country. What Christian values does that represent?
Nancy Bey Little
Aloha for Beavers
As an Oregon State fan who attended our game against Hawaii at Aloha Stadium, I want to compliment the Hawaii fans and “locals.” It is always interesting to wear the Orange and Black to an away game, but the six of us who attended the game together were all treated with friendly handshakes and a “thank you for coming to the Islands.” The gauntlet through the tailgaters was a little noisy before and after the game, but was accomplished without incident. At the game, the couple in front of us turned around before the game and gave us their “lucky” ti leaves. I want to thank them again. It was a great game that both teams should feel proud about no matter what the outcome.
John Blake
Salem, Ore.
Yes, biodegradable
In an article on the Airsoft battle game by Yu Shing Ting, she stated that the Airsoft pellets were biodegradable. Is this true? My understanding of plastics is that very few plastics are biodegradable. The plastics will breakdown from the original structure into smaller pieces, but the smaller pieces will still have the same chemical composition of the original plastic, and these smaller pieces will still be a detriment to the environment. The smaller pieces could be more of a detriment because the smaller pieces will be more easily ingested/inhaled by the local fauna.
Richard Atama
Honolulu Editor’s note: Here is the response from Grant Woo of Airsoft Hawaii:
There is no need to worry about the breakdown of the airsoft pel-lets. The term plastic is used as a generic term most people can understand to describe the appearance and texture of the air-soft pellets. The plastics used in the pellets are not the same as common petrochemical plastics such as nylon and polyethylene, but rather they are derived from polylactide and polyhydroxyalkanoate polymers from corn and wheat plants as well as bacteria found in soil. These polymers are composed of and break down into its two main constituents, starch and lactic acid. Both starch and lactic acid are naturally found compounds and will actually help enrich the soil as they break down.
Another 3-dotter
In Don Chapman’s “Editor’s Desk” column noting the death of Tom Horton, he wrote: “The list of Honolulu’s former 3-dotters continue to decline,” with just Eddie Sherman, George Daacon and Mr. Chapman surviving.
I am alive and well, thank you. I was the Honolulu Star-Bulletin‘s 3-dot columnist for a few months in 1961. The story behind the story: Eddie Sherman and Advertiser editor George Chaplin went into Splitsville. Eddie left the Advertiser and started writing for the Bulletin. George lured Eddie back to the Advertiser ... and I was anointed to the 3-dot task.
Chuck Frankel
Honolulu Editor’s note: Thank you to Chuck for pointing out a chapter of Honolulu journalism history of which I was previously unaware.
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