Letters To The Editor

Don Chapman
By Don Chapman
January 03, 2007 - MidWeek
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Obama’s too liberal

I am quite amazed at the Obamamania that is hitting the country. I am always very proud when a Hawaii boy makes it big in any venue. However, it seems that Obama is a true politician and Dan Boylan has been sucked into Obamamania like so much of our country.

While Obama talks “one people” and unity, his Senate voting record clearly says otherwise. He clearly is a far left Democrat in voting record, but talks as if he’s a middle-of-the-roader. If Obama’s Senate actions reflected his spoken words, he would be a great presidential candidate and there’s a good chance that I would vote for him. But, alas, he seems to be like many other politicians who say what people want to hear, but care very little about what they actually want or need. Before Dan Boylan holds up the Obama banner, maybe he should present the Obama Senate voting record.

Pastor Michael O. Silva

Pearl City

Taming Bob Jones

I often enjoy the commentaries of Bob Jones, who has a world view more compatible with mine than any other of your other columnists.

But he errs egregiously in his Dec. 27 column. Despite my general agreement with his theme (why Case lost to Akaka), his offering the sentiment that, had all gone right with our illegal invasion of the sovereign nation of Iraq, our entrenched military presence there might have resulted in the taming of the nearby Palestinians (lumped together with the Iranians and Syrians for good measure). The term “taming” is a cheap shot that is inexcusable. What insensitive, colonialistic arrogance to speak of taming a people whose land was stolen, who have been dispossessed and exiled for decades and counting, whose land and water is still being stolen dunam by dunam, whose brave resistance to illegal occupation is deemed “terrorism” counterable by assassination, oppression, humiliation, apartheid, ethnic cleansing.

I wonder how Mr. Jones would like to wear a Palestinian’s sandals?

Who needs taming? How about the militant Zionist poison in the Middle East? Or the USA?

Robert H. Stiver

Pearl City

Bush’s positives

Although Bob Jones’s December piece about why Ed Case lost the election was probably music to the tin ears of his fellow liberal anti-war Bush loathers, its many sour notes struck a discord with me.

I’d love to see Mr. Jones leave the security of his editorial ivory tower and go up against an average conservative who has a modest grasp of the facts and, thus, understands the importance of the war on terror and admires President Bush for protecting the country.

For example, how would Mr. Jones explain his apparent amnesia about the intelligence on Saddam’s threat and the policy of regime change that originated in the Clinton administration (which, by the way, lacked the guts to take action)?

Or how about explaining why his myopic view of the Iraq war is blindly absent of its place in the larger context of protecting our freedom by fighting terror worldwide? How does he judge as anything but utter success - and something worth dying for - Bush’s policies that have prevented an attack on U.S. soil for more than five years? Mr. Jones needs to substantiate his assertions that the CIA “cooked the books” and that the seriousness of Saddam’s threat was ever a “lie.”

Of course, Mr. Jones can’t defend his careless writing with facts. Too bad - your readers deserve better.

Geoff Boehm


Violent Muslims

Thank you to Michelle Malkin for her column “A Year Of Muslims Acting Violently,” pointing out what ought to be quite obvious, but obviously is not for many liberals: No matter how accepting of Islam you are, no matter how much you want to make nice with Muslims, a large percentage of them would like to kill you and your family and change our American way of life. You cannot “try to understand” Islam without understanding this reality.

Al Martinez


Hailing Dan Hale

Just a short note to say how much I enjoyed Bob Hogue’s column on Punahou’s rookie basketball coach Dan Hale. I remember watching Dan and his great Chaminade teammates the year they beat No. 15 Louisville and No. 2 SMU back-to-back. It was nice to catch up on what he’s been doing since then.

How about a column on the other Chaminade players from those magical years?

Tom Yoshino


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