Letters To The Editor
Jones unreasonable
In his Jan. 17 column, Bob Jones makes the statement “Fundamental Christians are not reasonable about abortion.”
I’m not sure if I’m a fundamentalist, but I know that if a baby is born prematurely and it’s “terminated” we call that murder. If the exact same creature is encased in a womb, how does it magically become reasonable to kill it? Judge for yourself what Mr. Jones means by reasonable.
Steve Williams
Obama is all hype
The Hawaii hype over Barack Obama is amusing and somewhat frightening. I can understand the motivation to want a “native” son to run for president, but the support he’s generating is based on emotion and not well thought out.
Experience does matter. What also gives me pause is that every president has to select a cabinet and cadre of people who will help guide in decision-making and forming policy. Who will Obama select? The one person who will no doubt be one of Obama’s confidants is Jesse Jackson. He scares me, especially after the “Kramer” incident, after which he was quoted, “there should be some words exempt from freedom of speech!”
The point is that the presidency is not a one-man job. Obama’s lack of experience is caution enough, but what his cadre/cabinet would be made up of is more worrisome.
Tom Baca
Hating our military
From her latest letter, Nancy Bey Little sounds like she gets her ideas from loony web sites like MoveOn.org. She thinks that because Saddam Hussein was not directly involved in 9/11 we should have ignored his ties to Islamic radicals. At least he is no longer allowing al-Qaeda leaders to get medical care in Baghdad or paying families of “suicide” bombers a $25,000 “pension.”
Little seems ignorant of the text of the 2001 memo which stated that bin Laden wanted to attack us. There were absolutely no details which would have alerted security officials of an imminent attack. Perhaps she might be more curious to wonder why Clinton’s former adviser, Sandy Berger, stole and destroyed at least three copies of that memo which contained Clinton administration handwritten comments on the text.
Sure, she hates war. But how does she feel about jihad against the West? What Little hates is any flexing of American military muscle, especially in retaliation for attacks on our soil. Leftist contempt for our military is legendary. That’s why she picketed a group of us who were demonstrating at the federal office building to protest Democrats’ efforts to disqualify military ballots during the Bush-Gore 2000 election.
Carol R. White
Coffee is pro-war
In the eyes of a pro-war columnist in MidWeek, factual
reporting of what is going on in Iraq is labeled “propaganda.” In the eyes of pro-peace Americans, it is important that the media continue to report the facts instead of just telling us what Bush wants us to know, or putting a GOP spin on things.
Those who want the Bush spin can get it from Fox News and rightwing radio talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O`Reilly. But don’t blame the media for Bush’s mistakes, or his low approval rating.
That’s like killing the messenger. More time is devoted to support for Bush on television in general than is devoted to honest reporting about Bush’s mistakes, and what is going on in Iraq. Fox, for example, is on 24 hours a day, seven days a week promoting Bush and the war. On the other television networks, factual reporting on the Bush War (sans the Bush spin) is pretty much limited to a few daily newscasts.
Maybe the reason Jerry Coffee is seeing and hearing so much anti-war and anti-Bush news, cartoons, editorials, sitcoms, talk shows and dramas is that it represents the feelings of the people in the country in which we live. After all, only two or three of every 10 Americans still support Bush and his war. The rest of America and the world is calling for a troop withdrawal and an end to the war and our occupation.
You want a good example of propaganda? Three weeks ago, the vice chief of staff for the U.S. Army, Gen. Cody, in a televised interview about Iraq said that we should not forget that “they attacked us on 9/11,” as if he really believed that lie. Is there any wonder some of the troops are confused?
I suspect Mr. Coffee is reading a lot into the reports, because of his personal feelings, and ignoring the facts.
Keith Haugen
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