Letters To The Editor

January 31, 2007 - MidWeek
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Needed: tolerance
I write regarding the large headline above Ms. Malkin’s recent article - it read: “A Year of Muslims Acting Violently.” I am not commenting on the article itself - I find that I am unable to read through Ms. Malkin’s vituperative words.
I am writing to respectfully ask that care be taken regarding such headlines. The historical and current lessons of such racial/ethnic hate-mongering should be clear to us and, certainly, the memory of Sarajevo should still burn in our consciousness.
I am a practicing Christian. I am not Arabic. I was raised here. I can even give the usual local “lineage marker” - I went to McKinley, Central, Kauluwela. I am just asking for some forbearance please.
Thank you. I wish you a very Happy New Year and, for all of us, a less violent year whether that violence is caused by Muslims, Christians, Jews, whatevers!
Frances Wong
Lay off Obama
I’m writing to comment on columns by Rick Hamada and Bob Jones on Barack Obama.
I found the tone of both articles curiously dismissive of him, particularly with his intent to run for U.S. president. Both columns had an almost “guilty before proven innocent” attitude toward Barack Obama, denouncing him from the outset before giving him the benefit of the doubt.
It appears that the two main current arguments against Barack Obama’s successful run for the U.S. presidency are that he may be too liberal and that he lacks an extensive political background. Even if these views did have an element of truth to them it’s bothersome to hear comments about him made such as “attended Punahou where I’m reliably informed he was much, much less than a stellar student.” Or “Why back somebody who so far hasn’t done squat except get himself elected?” Or what I think is the most irksome. “He seems nice and he’s part black and that’s about it.” This seem to venture a little beyond mere partisan political views and into slander.
G.D. Tollinchi
Hamada’s racism
Rick Hamada fired the first shot in the race war against Sen. Barack Obama obtaining the nomination of the Democratic Party for president. For Rick Hamada, 400 years of slavery, segregation and hatred is not enough. He apparently agrees with former Gov. George Wallace and Sheriff Bull Connor of Alabama in racism forever. For Rick Hamada the United States is white, presidents are white: Citizens of color need not apply.
Alfonso L. Largo
Sad Bush bashers
If you could gather Dan Boylan, Keith Haugen and Nancy Bey Little together in a room, would they be happy? They can bash Bush to their hearts’ content - for an hour, a day, a week, a month. And if they finally grow weary of bashing our president, I’ll bet they leave that room more miserable than they were going in. In the words of Larry Price “Oh well.” “Too bad.”
Armando Mejia Takara
Ewa Beach
Speaking up
In a letter to MidWeek‘s editor, Carol R. White, whom I have never met, felt free to speak for me (and against me). On the contrary, I can and will speak for myself. The radical right warmongers do not own America anymore. Thank God!
Nancy Bey Little
Licensing hassles
Unbelievable that it still takes so long to renew a driver’s license as Bob Jones described. It took me three days to renew my license a few years back, in a five-step process, even after trying to speed things up by appearing at the Kalihi/Kapalama satellite office at least a half hour before its opening hour each morning!
I thought the “problem” had been solved by now, since it took me only a few minutes, served by just one clerk, to renew my license again last year, but this time at the Hawaii Kai satellite office. So, what’s with the Kalihi/Kapalama, which is where I assume that Bob Jones experienced his pilikia, or wherever it occurred?
One solution may be as Mr. Jones suggested that Mayor Mufi to be subjected to this extraordinary waste of time (which also translates into money for some of us) by going through this dismal license renewal process at the Kalihi/Kapalama office himself.
Another, may be to replace the director of the office at this site by someone who could devise a more practical and efficient system.
Art Wong
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