Letters To The Editor

February 14, 2007 - MidWeek
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Try common senseK
In a Star-Bulletin story, “UH rail gaining steam,” my City Councilman, Charles Djou, said “If we’re trying to do something about traffic, everyone recognizes what traffic is like when UH is in session and when UH is not in session. Not putting the University of Hawaii in the initial segment doesn’t make sense to me given the dynamics of traffic here on Oahu. I think it is critical that UH get included in the initial segment.”
While Mr. Djou’s statement correctly points out one of the major problems with traffic and the resulting congestion, it misses the real solution.
Save $3.8 billion and simply have the University of Hawaii change its time schedule for classes to begin and end - all after the business rush hours.
The same change in hours is true for the public and private schools, except here, students should be required to go to and from school only on The Bus, and this should be accomplished with subsidized bus passes for every child regardless of their economic background.
Problem solved. No tax increase needed. Think about it before you condemn us to this never-ending money pit.
Dave Reed
Sad golf courses
I am a big fan of Midweek and read it from cover to cover. The weekend version is very good and getting better as you add more features. We look forward to both editions and the excellent (and I think balanced) views provided by your variety of columnists.
We agree whole heartedly with Don Chapman’s recent column which discussed the terrible condition of our municipal golf courses.Thank you very much for bringing it to the attention of the non-golfing public.
I intend to send a copy of Mr. Chapman’s column to my councilman and the mayor just to make sure they saw it, and hopefully they will take some action to alleviate the problem.
Please continue to provide us with the quality reporting for which you are noted.
Jim Ansley
Facts, not bashing
In response to the letter from G.L. Kauai regarding Bush bashing: When people lie, deceive and say totally illogical things, and when they commit evil deeds and crimes, they bash themselves. Criticizing them for their wrongful words and deeds is not bashing. To call a liar a liar is not bashing; it is fact.
I have noticed for a long time that political and religious conservatives cannot stand having to face truth, reality, fact, reasoning and logic. And they can never debate issues based on these values.
Fred Metcalf
The real threat
Pro-war columnist Jerry Coffee suggests that his children and grandchildren are somehow protected by our incursion in Iraq. This despite Saddam having no ICBMs, nukes or significant navy or air force.
When Bush took office, Alan Greenspan suggested our biggest economic problem was that our national debt would be paid off too soon. By the time W. leaves, however, he will have added more debt than the previous 42 presidents combined. Conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan suggests the total unfunded debt left by Bush will be in excess of $40 trillion. That, along with global warming, will be the true threat to Mr. Coffee’s children and grandchildren.
David Bailey
Coach and grandpa
Thank you to Steve Murray for a great column about my dad, Norm Chow. It was fair, balanced and presented a very accurate picture of his “situation.” My mom and sister-in-law were here visiting from the Mainland when it came out and they agree.
Of course we would support him if he became a head coach, but for the time being we are happy that he genuinely enjoys being with the Tennessee Titans and has only good things to say about (coach) Jeff Fisher and (quarterback) Vince Young. Now if they could only win a few games next season, we would be all set!
Actually, though, I’d really like him to retire, move home to Hawaii and help to babysit my 7-month-old daughter Kensington!
And anyone who thinks he is “aloof” should see him with her - he’s hilarious!
Maile Chow
Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.E-mail this story | Print this page | Comments (0) | Archive | RSS Comments (0) |
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