Letters To The Editor

March 07, 2007 - MidWeek
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Double standard
Having read Michelle Malkin’s column excoriating Barack Obama for saying that the lives of U.S. troops in Iraq were being “wasted,” I am awaiting her condemnation of Sen. John McCain for committing the same sin.
Something tells me, however, that we’ll never hear a word from her on this subject - or from other conservative commentators. Ain’t double-standards grand?
David Lee
Shirtless Bob again
Subject: A historical photo of Bob Jones in lava lava without a shirt, and a flower behind his ear - a beautiful expression of the intermixing of Hawaii’s cultures and openness to all cultures.
Shame, shame on Lois Matsuo of Aiea on her very narrow thinking as expressed in her letter “Shirtless Bob.” I’ll bet Bob Jones would still look handsome with a lava lava, no shirt and a flower behind his ear!
Here’s a salute to our Samoan people and Bob Jones. Aloha! Or as the Samoans say, Talofa!
Dudley M. Wongham
Recycling sense
It was encouraging to see two columns about recycling in my most recent MidWeek, by Jade Moon and Don Chapman, aka Mr. Common Sense. It should be obvious - we live on an island and must come up with better ways to deal with our trash, or our latest mountain really will be Mauna Opala.
Even if it takes an extra $10 monthly fee, I’m all for Mayor Mufi’s curbside recycling plan.
Jane Matsunaga
Political screw-ups
It’s not that we don’t need transportation help, whether it’s rail or more freeway lanes. And it’s true that Aloha Stadium is rusting away in the salt breezes.
My problem is that I have zero faith in our screw-ups, er, leaders to build either project on time or on budget.
James Leong
A clarification
Thank you so much for Newsmaker feature on me and the the Surfrider Spirit Sessions Program. It was far more than I ever expected or imagined! (Me? In MidWeek? I can only say wow!) The feedback I’ve been receiving has been overwhelmingly positive and I continue to be impressed with your reader-ship. Thank you. Special thanks also to Nathalie Walker, who did a wonderful job despite my “photo-phobia.”
There is one point I’d like to clarify (my apologies if I hadn’t conveyed it clearly): The Surfrider Spirit Sessions Program is a nonprofit program being developed by the Oahu Chapter of Surfrider Foundation as a community service. It’s part of Surfrider’s mission to help foster an understanding and respect for the ocean environment while promoting the right of low-impact, free and open access to waves and beaches for all people. Surfrider is raising funds through the sale of The Surfer Spirit book, fundraisers and individual contributions to support the program, but is not using the program as a means to generate a profit. The pilot program begins on April 21 and we are currently raising funds to support it.
Also, my last name was spelled incorrectly - it’s Derosier, no “s” after De.
Thank you again for your support, time and attention. MidWeek really is the voice of the community. Thanks for keeping us all in touch!
Cynthia Y.H. Derosier
Fighting crime
The editors of MidWeek are to be commended for the public service in identifying criminal fugitives and shining the light on the farce that identifies what is supposed to be a criminal justice system - actually the joke of the entire 50 states.
Aside from theses low-lifes having that title in common, none should have been roaming the streets. Some with dozens of arrests and convictions paroled by the appointed political hacks on the Parole Board time and time again to prey on the public ;and when re-taken again pushed out the back door after six months. A big show is sometimes made of a high-profile case for public consumption. Add some joke judges to the equation and you have the Criminal Paradise that Hawaii has become.
Frank D. Slocum
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