Letters To The Editor

March 01, 2006 - MidWeek
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Reasons to grumble
I’d like to reply to Larry Hayashida’s letter “Haoles like rule,” written in response to Al Rodriguez’s earlier letter. Mr. Hayashida takes the tone that haoles (howlies?) grumble the most about public schools in Hawaii, and that we are used to dominating everything everywhere we go.
First, the reason Mainlanders grumble about public schools in Hawaii is that on the Mainland public schools are decent. From what I have seen in Hawaii (I’ve been working in the Department of Education since last November), the public school system is abysmal due to a half-billion-dollar budget shortfall. How does a child succeed in school if the necessary tools are not available?
So in response to the “grumbling” that Mainlanders do, it’s fair to say that many parents from the Mainland know that Hawaii has less-than-average public schools and they fear putting their children in such in a position where the level of education will not allow them to compete with their peers on the Mainland. It is quite evident that a great number of Hawaii kids graduate from high school totally unprepared for the professional world, or for college.
Hawaiian royalty was known for their belief in providing a good education. What has happened in the last 100 years where that belief has been lost? When you have communities that value having cable TV over taking their kids to the public library, it becomes painfully obvious that these families are not committed to the education of their children.
Second, I’d like to address Mr. Hayashida’s comment about Caucasians wanting to dominate wherever they go. “Dominate” is too harsh a word and implies that we are out to subjugate the masses. Instead, let’s use the word “succeed.” I think most people, whether they are Mainlanders or local, reach for success wherever they are. It all comes back to education, and giving teachers and students the proper tools.
It is surprising how often the finger is pointed at the Mainlanders/haoles for the shortcomings of the local community. Pointing the finger at anyone for one’s own shortcomings does absolutely nothing to improve one’s life.
Mr. Hayashida is dead wrong. How does a community improve itself without people “grumbling” about its shortcomings? We need to learn how to appreciate that everyone in this country has the right to grumble, and that men and women are serving our country every day so that other people may one day have the right to grumble as well. If we do not grumble about the things with which we are unsatisfied, how will they improve?
Mo Greenberg
Ready to rule
Regarding Larry T. Hayashida’s letter “Haoles like rule”: I sit by my phone each night waiting for a call from “The Man” on the Mainland so he can instruct me how to best dominate this land on which I have settled. Perhaps he has given up on me because he heard I have devoted my life to teaching my students (presently 10 nonwhite preschool special education kiddos) to treat everyone with respect as individuals no matter what color they are or where they are from.
Were you the one who told him? Shame on you! I was ready to rule ...
David O’Donnell
Don’t print trash
I thought that the ugly face of hate and prejudice no longer existed today in this beautiful state. Then I read the letter by Larry Hayashida making judgements and promoting the discrimination of haoles who moved here from the Mainland. What next, the Filipinos from Waipahu, Hawaiians from Waimanalo, Christians from Kailua?
Prejudice, like cancer, spreads destruction. Wisely, as the kupuna say, “That’s OK, they spread that kind pilau stuff, and going come right back to them and their children.”
MidWeek should share the responsibility of not printing such trash. We should all care about the poor state of our public schools, and the future of our children, along with the “Mainland haoles”!
Steven Leong
Not the solution
Regarding letters from Al Rodriguez and Larry T. Hayashida: Sorry, but I don’t think racism, insecurity and ignorance have ever helped any situation, but have only hurt. But then again, what do I know - I’m a haole, right?
Jon Hughes
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