Letters To The Editor

July 04, 2007 - MidWeek
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Engineering life
Defenders of evolution (as expressed in Greg Reinking’s letter) tend to speak in theoretical terms. I think that the evolution-creation debate would go a long way if both sides would look at the issue from an engineering perspective.
The world’s greatest bioengineers have yet to combine raw chemicals to create a single living cell, yet evolutionists are leaping by faith to believe that chemicals combined randomly by itself to form a living cell. The world’s greatest robotic engineers are light years away from creating human-like robots that can duplicate LeBron James’basketball skills, or David Beckham’s soccer skills, or an Olympic gymnast’s skills. The current robotic soccer star is a metal box on wheels with a square push plate that kicks a tiny ball.
The best minds in the world are doing their best to design things, and they don’t even come close to matching the design of living creatures, which evolutionists claim to be the product of random chance. As a design professional myself, it takes much more faith to believe in evolution than creation.
Cliff Chu
Unbelieving fools
I usually enjoy reading your letters section, even if some of them make my blood boil.
However, was it really necessary to take up most of the section with Greg Reinking’s lengthy tirade against Bill O’Reilly’s defense of Creationism?
Well, we shouldn’t be surprised. As the Bible says, “The fool says in his heart, there is no God.” What is strange, with all the books coming out now trying to defend atheism, is that atheists seem to hate God so much in their attempts to prove that he doesn’t exist. God help us all.
David Blanchard
Fluctuating theory
Mr. Reinking proffers the Quantum Fluctuation Theory that some cosmologists believe is the origin of matter that preceded the Big Bang. He states: “From quantum mechanics it is apparent that the void (the empty space between atoms) is a strange and active medium where virtual particles spontaneously very briefly come into existence and almost immediately are annihilated.” Well, since we’re talking about the beginning of matter, energy, space and time, this begs the question “from whence would come these atoms between which the quantum fluctuation took place?” Any physicist worth his/her salt knows that without atoms, you cannot have a quantum fluctuation, and without quantum fluctuation, no new particles. The Law of Conservation of energy says “The increase in the internal energy of a thermodynamic system is equal to the amount of heat energy added to the system minus the work done by the system on the surroundings.” Whether you love or hate Bill
O’Reilly, the Quantum Fluctuation Theory fails to account for initial matter and energy, and cannot account for a universe without a transcendent cause.
Steve Williams
Atheist belief
Bill O’Reilly implies that since “90 percent of Americans believe in God” that atheists must be off base.
Actually most of the 1,200-plus large religions and 10,000 cults each believe in their own gods and think the other religions are nuts.
Most modern religions promise their followers a method to beat death via reincarnation or some paradise where loyal followers will have some invisible part of themselves transported after death. It is hard to believe that the 9/11 pilots are in some paradise enjoying virgins along with their victims who don’t call God Allah, but, rather Jehovah or Krishna, etc.
As Bob Jones pointed out, a second commonality of believers is that they have been indoctrinated (or taught) to believe in their parents’religion before their brains are developed enough for critical thinking.
Atheists get a bad rap. Instead of only believing in one God and thinking all the other religions have it wrong, they believe in all of the thousands of gods - only they think that rather than living in an Indian jungle or the frozen vacuum of outer space, gods exist in the imaginations of superstitious believers.
David Bailey
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