Letters To The Editor
What Djou think?
Djou for dog catcher!
If Bob Jones’ recent article is correct, Councilman Charles Djou is not really running for lieutenant governor, he just pulled the papers so he could take your money. I guess he will let us know when he figures it out. Forget that the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, governor, lieutenant governor and mayor are all completely different jobs requiring different qualifications and abilities. I, for one, would want to know what office someone I am donating to was running for - not that I will be writing Djou a check anytime soon. Didn’t Mr. Jones boldly predict a few weeks ago that Djou would run (and win) the 2008 mayoral race? At least he has come to his senses and realized that “you can’t realistically run when you have 10 percent of Mufi Hannemann’s war chest - not to mention 10 percent of his leadership skills, and .01 percent of his accomplishments. Maybe Bob will come to his senses about Ed Case as well - I don’t believe that most people “really like and trust” Case after how he conducted himself in his run against Akaka. Ungrateful, egotistical and arrogant are the terms I hear people associating with Ed more often than not. Oh well, it’s been a while since Bob made an accurate predication, and it looks like that streak will continue for a bit.
Judith Melvin
Let seniors drive
Regarding Larry Price’s input on restricting elderly drivers in Hawaii, let the politician beware. Over half the shoppers in the parking lot of Times, Star and Don Quijote are over 70 Those businesses will go out of business. And just try to lug home a water-melon, a 20-pound bag of rice, potatoes, cabbage, oranges and apples, milk, bottled water, soda pop and beer and what not without a car. Make us walk? Most elderly people endure great pain in their hips, knees and elsewhere. It is hard enough just to get in and out of a car. But it sure is a lot heck easier than walking with all that weight.
Take TheBus? Most bus stops are at least two or three or more painful blocks away from both your home and the store itself. Plus you have to cross the street in those so-called safe crosswalks. Why don’t you just kill us now? It would be less cruel.
So before you take away driver licenses of senior citizens (who vote), walk a mile in our shoes.
Jerry J. Gschwind, Retired
Congress fails
Jerry Coffee has gloatingly pointed to the miserable approval rating of the Democrat-controlled Congress. This rating is deserved, but not for the reasons put forth by Coffee. Here are a couple of issues that are foremost on the minds of the American public, and which Congress has mucked up.
In the last election the American public decided they wanted a change in direction for our country, particularly as it relates to Iraq. The current members of Congress were sent there to end our involvement, but instead have played footsy with the president.
The American public also wants its borders secured, period. No exceptions, no exemptions, no buying citizenship, just closed. This doesn’t require any new laws, just having Congress demand enforcement of current law.
The American public has also made it clear that they want the illegal immigrants removed from within our borders. Once again no new laws are required, just enforcement of current law. Congress failed to demand this of the President.
For our own delegation, they each deserve a 33 percent rating - they failed 2 out of 3.
Bill Nelson
Listen to Gates
I feel sorry for Jerry Coffee. In the world of Baskin-Robbins, he chooses only vanilla, and in the world of politics, he chooses only prejudiced simplicity. Consider this example from his latest column. Recently, Hillary Clinton requested information from the Defense Department on withdrawal plans from Iraq. A Pentagon official, Eric Edelman, snapped back, writing that that her request “reinforces enemy propaganda that the U.S. will abandon its allies in Iraq.”
Needless to say, Coffee agreed heartily with Edelman.
What Coffee conveniently failed to mention was that Edelman’s boss, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, later wrote to Clinton and apologized for Edelman’s remarks and stated explicitly that that he (Gates) does not believe that congressional oversight emboldens the enemy.
I feel sorry for Jerry Coffee. He can hear Edelman but not Gates.
Todd Shelly
Hawaii Kai
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Can you tell me how to send in letter to editor?
Posted by neighbor on 08/08 at 04:32 PM