Letters To The Editor

October 03, 2007 - MidWeek
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Chinatown hookers
As a ferry passenger stuck on Kauai last month, I must say that Bob Jones’ comment that the “cultural damage is already done” there is right on.
But I strongly disagree with his criticism of the recent HPD prostitution sting operations in Chinatown.
Yes, prostitution is the oldest profession. The legality of it, especially between two consensual adults, is certainly debatable. That said, Mr. Jones and his readers may not realize the full story behind this situation.
Back in the day, most of the streetwalkers operated within Chinatown. Since Chinatown was designated as a weed-n-seed area (with increased penalty for breaking laws) a few years ago, the action moved toward mauka, most visibly concentrated on N. Kukui Street.
Don’t know if he is familiar with this neighborhood, but there are thousands of families - many with children - living in the nearby high-rise condos on N. Kukui Street. There are also the 24-hour Longs and Safeway right there on Kukui. For the last few years, we had to put up seeing scantily clad streetwalkers and the anxious johns trolling up and down the same street we use every night.
Prostitution is not an entirely victimless crime. You dug up good past headlines for the Superferry story. How about these for the prostitution story?
“Man dies after being shot in Chinatown.” The man was shot after getting into an argument with a prostitute - on the corner of Kukui.
How would you feel if there is a chance that an innocent bystander goes shopping and get hit by a stray bullet? Pimps are notorious for being the most dangerously armed and viciously violent criminals. The anxious johns are certainly not the most courteous drivers going around the blocks and yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks.
I have, as have many of my neighbors, witnessed firsthand many used condoms and other unmentionable trash left on the sidewalks and nearby alleys/parks. Just attend or read the past meeting minutes of the Downtown and Liliha Neighborhood Board meetings. Both boards have pleaded with HPD to do something for us. We commend HPD and Chief Correa for finally taking actions!
For Mr. Jones to mock the undercover officers for the sacrifices they make by posing that hypothetical question from their kids, is just in bad taste. He owes them a sincere apology.
Loy Kuo
Trekkie Superferry
I’m writing in regard to Roy Chang’s MidWeek cartoon with the “Star Trek Superferry” being attacked by the “Environmental Activist Borg Ship,” saying, “More EIS! More EIS!”
Although the cartoon is clever, I find its premise rather absurd. It’s not that those of us protesting the Superferry want more EIS, it’s that we’d like an EIS. Just one - the one required by state law. Indeed, those evil environmental activists are actually not attacking anyone. Rather they are simply trying to defend Hawaii’s environment the best way they can - by demanding what should never have been excepted in the first place (an EIS).
Thus, the Star Trek Superferry should voluntarily warp back to Federation space as fast as possible, and voluntarily stay in spacedock until that EIS is finished. That would end this particular battle real quick!
Kalani Thompson
Hamada nonsense
I see that Rick Hamada has learned well from his masters in the Republican party - call him Mr. Fear Monger. Last week he wrote this gem: “...when we find ourselves in ‘re-education’camps accepting the teachings of our captors ...”
What utter, idiotic nonsense! Yes, there are those who do wish to harm our country, but the greatest threat to American freedoms is the Bush Administration and its disregard for the liberties guaranteed by our Constitution. And their greatest tactic in trying to get away with illegal powers is by trying to scare us into going along.
Sorry, Mr. Hamada, those tactics are tired, old and ineffective.
Douglas Yamada
The duh factor
I found it interesting that on back-to-back pages Jade Moon and Rick Hamada wrote columns about about the media’s obsession with celebrities and other silly things. Where Ms. Moon was thoughtful and even humorous, Mr. Hamada talked down to his audience and threatened them.
Which approach did I prefer? Ms. Moon’s, by far. To quote her, “Duh.”
May Andrade
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