Letters To The Editor

October 10, 2007 - MidWeek
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Prostitution’s OK
In response to the letter by Loy Kuo on prostitution, Bob Jones owes no apology. Just as with all activities that the public has a right to engage in, making it illegal brings in all kinds of problems, including violence. It is a private act between two consenting adults and is no one else’s business.
If it were legalized, as it should be, and controlled, possibly by the Public Utilities Commission, it could be kept indoors, out of sight, no pimps, no violence, strictly honest business and less risk of STDs.
People that oppose prostitution do so on a morals issue. It is none of their business. If the medium of exchange were something other than money, as it is in many marriages and relationships, it would be legal.
It is a sick, pathetic, abusive waste of police time to be out trolling for offers of sex in a sting operation. The bottom line is that the ladies have a right to sell, and the men have a right to buy. End of story.
Bert West
No public sex
Thank you to Loy Kuo for her letter challenging Bob Jones’ laissez faire attitude toward prostitution and casual sex in public restrooms. The key word here is “public.” If I take my young sons into a public restroom - such as at Minneapolis airport or any other place - I certainly do not want to have to explain why those weird men are hanging around, or worse what the commotion is inside a stall. Please!
What happens between consenting adults behind private doors should be of no concern to anyone else, but public behavior should be.
Bob Lee
Hamada’s niche
Nice to see that late in life Rick Hamada has finally found his calling - classic movie reviews.
He’s certainly more informed and logical in that genre than in his political analysis, a compendium of which could most accurately be titled “The Best of of the Dark Ages.”
From his radio broadcasts, I understand that he may also know something about golf.
I say go for it, Rick. Now that you’ve found a couple of things you’re good at, stick with them!
Alan Matsuda
Phony news
MidWeek columnists are waking us up to TV news sinking to the level of sixth-grade silliness. Jade Moon on The Dumbing Down Of Americans: “It’s a lot easier to rant about O.J. than it is to change the course of global warming. It’s more fun to cluck about Britney’s body than it is to figure out what to do about the horrors in Iraq.”
Rick Hamada on Focusing of Fluff, Forgetting 9/11: “The majority of our neighbors have forgotten about 9/11 ... Our brain is occupied with O.J., Paris and Colt.”
George Saunders, a MacArthur Foundation “Genius” and a Guggenheim Fellow, says mega-corporations that own TV stations are “shorn of all moral baggage” clawing after profit alone and appealing to America’s childishness: “The people who used to ask, ‘Is it news?’ now seem to be asking, ‘Will it stimulate?’ And the change is felt, high and low, throughout the culture.”
When next watching the news, ask is it informing me as a citizen of a democracy, or sucking me back to the sixth grade?
Thanks for the wakeup call, Jade and Rick!
Howard C. Wiig
Gabbard & Dems
Kudos to Dan Boylan for his well-written column explaining Sen. Mike Gabbard’s decision to join the Democratic Party. Gabbard is a can-do kind of guy and has a lot of integrity and leadership ability. He’ll strengthen the Democratic Party by making many church-going Filipino and Hawaiian voters feel comfortable voting Democrat.
For too many years, conservative-minded Democrats have felt a little out of place. With Gabbard in the fold, I feel our party will be much closer to Hawaii’s true values.
John Campos
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