Letters To The Editor

December 05, 2007 - MidWeek
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Risking lives
I just read Bob Jones’s article in MidWeek and couldn’t agree with him more concerning the danger of trying to cross many lanes of traffic.
We in East Honolulu are currently battling TheBus over their new planned routes for our area, which will necessitate crossing busy Kalaniana`ole Highway to transfer to buses going in the Hawai`i Kai direction. The alternative is a lengthy detour via Kahala Mall. Our senior citizens, the disabled and young students will definitely be at risk.
Whether pro or con on the train, we feel that this is hardly the time to reduce bus service to other areas and to imperil citizens.
Art Mori
Aina Haina Community
Bless the bones
Regarding recent columns and letters on the subject:
Ancient Hawaiian burial sites should be respected. Although, with land being scarce and population booming, development is in demand.
I feel developers should stop the project and have the site blessed, and ask their permission for the land to be used and with promise of a decent reburial so that our fallen ancestors can rest in peace.
Isaiah Lee Chong
Ewa Beach
Mufi’s experts
Larry Price’s recent column “Mufi’s ‘Experts’ Going Too Far?” reveals that Coach Price’s expertise may be limited to football and radio.
I do agree with his implication that the City Council is a bankrupt place to look for sound decision-making. Ironically, we would be riding a mass transit system now (and paying billions less for it) if not for the supreme wisdom of the City Council of the 1990s. The current council also plays in the shallow end, and seems to be more interested in salvaging its “fact finding” trip to Amsterdam and Paris than selecting the best transit technology for Honolulu, another point alluded to by the article.
Here’s where the Coach jumped off the tracks:
Mayor Hannemann’s suggestions that a panel of experts (which are easily identified as engineers who can actually evaluate the technology) decide the best choice for the type of vehicle that should run on our approved fixed guideway was not an abdication of his responsibilities. Procurement is clearly an administrative responsibility as mandated by state law. His proposal is for the administration to select four panel members and the council one. This is not “asking the City Council to appoint a panel of experts” as reported by Price. The message being sent is, in fact, the complete opposite. It gently reminds the council that there are others who are better qualified and less preoccupied to be making this important decision and can do so in a supremely more efficient manner.
Patti Sato
Daily blowhards
I wholeheartedly agree with Rick Hamada’s column in MidWeek‘s November 21 issue. I live on Ala Wai Boulevard, and almost every day I am bothered by the air blowers being used near the Convention Center. These blowers are exceptionally loud and annoying, even with lanai doors and windows closed. I thought Honolulu had an excessive noise ordinance, but evidently this is not observed.
Finn Anonsen
Praising FDR
I was happy to see that two of the young people in the MidWeek Poll “Who is your favorite U.S. President?” picked the greatest president of the 20th century, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt’s accomplishments will live forever, and I am proud to have lived during his administration.
Nancy Bey Little
Manners, please
MidWeek’s kind inclusion of Judith Martin’s “Miss Manners” column is gratefully accepted, as I am sure its author would politely acknowledge. We all could use such a proper auntie who exhorts us Gentle Readers on to better behavior, done in an inimitable style with correctness, compassion, zing and good humor.
My congratulations on a discerning inclusion.
Edward Fyffe
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