Letters To The Editor

December 12, 2007 - MidWeek
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Ferry fuming
Regarding MidWeek‘s cover story on the Superferry: CEO John Garibaldi seems unaware of his own arrogance. When asked why his company didn’t just do an EIS years ago, he answers: “If an environmental review had been required in those early days, there just wouldn’t have been a Hawaii Superferry.”
How come? Because a “privately funded deal” can’t just “sit on the sidelines ... with hundreds of million of dollars at risk, waiting for (a review) to happen.”
Oh! In other words, why should the Superferry be hampered by those inconvenient environmental laws or that annoying EIS process meant to protect Hawaii’s fragile environment? There’s just too much money at stake!
Sure, Mr, Garibaldi may not have actually said to the state, “Give us an exception,” but that was definitely what was implied by saying that having to do an EIS would kill the project, and (by the way), cause the loss of all that potential revenue.
The saddest part is that this attitude has provided the perfect blueprint for privately funded land developers to avoid Hawaii’s environmental laws.
First, promise the state a portion of the revenue while adding that an EIS would kill your project. Second, don’t worry about resistance because you can always count on our short-sighted legislators to “help” you out with some special legislation along the way.
Adam T. Kahualaulani Mick
Bad influences
Excuse me for being depressed about what parents and schools are doing to our young people. As Roy Chang’s cartoon in the Dec. 5 issue points out, an increasing number of Hawaii kids are overweight, even obese, because of lack of exercise. And then a few pages later Michelle Malkin points out how schools are not giving kids the basic math skills they need. Oh, and then came news last week that the teen pregnancy rate is up.
The children are indeed our future, and I’m afraid the future looks very grim for America, and Hawaii, and we have parents and teachers to blame.
Margaret Lee
Olomana adventure
What a fantastic story and photographs by Rasa Fournier about her ascent of the three peaks of Mt. Olomana. I felt that I was reading an adventure tale in Outside magazine. Ms. Fournier’s sense of adventure (and fitness) are exceeded only by her journalistic talents.
Jack O’Reilly
A TV tie-in
Barbara Wallace was one of my favorite local TV people, so it was nice to read the Entrepreneur column about her new luggage tie business.
Good luck to her!
Anna Mattos
Ron is treemendous
I loved Ron Nagasawa’s column about the tyranny of wives obsessed with the perfect Christmas tree! Made me laugh out loud! (Not the first time he’s done that.)
Next Christmas I’ll be sure to look among the sold trees for the fraternity of “hiding” husbands - or as Mr. Nagasawa calls them, our “peeps.”
Merry Christmas!
Derrick Yamamoto
Idiots galore
The only thing more amazing than the idiots who give Chuck Shepherd fodder for his Weird News column is that there are so many of them that he can produce a lengthy weekly column!
Keith Yee Hawaii Kai
Colt didn’t bolt
I want to thank Bob Hogue for his open letter to UH quarterback Colt Brennan. Mr. Hogue expressed what a lot of us UH Warrior fans feel. By the time I finished reading his letter, I was emotional and in tears. Colt’s character and leadership on and off the field are to be admired and respected.
I also want to thank you, Colt, for what you’ve done for the UH athletic program, for encouraging our youths and for bringing Hawaii closer together. You have touched so many lives. But most of all, thank you for the person that you are.
Although we are happy for the great things your future holds, you will be surely missed in Hawaii.
The very best of success to you wherever you go.
We all will be cheering you on.
Nancy Dela Cruz
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