Letters To The Editor

January 09, 2008 - MidWeek
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No endorsement
In the last election, I recall MidWeek‘s editor making a big deal about the paper not endorsing candidates. So what’s with the cover story on Barack Obama?
Lee Matsuda
Editor’s note: Far from an endorsement, it was a news story on a former Hawaii resident who is running for president, timed with the first primary in the country. MidWeek does not endorse candidates, period, although columnists are free to do so.
Try it, Mr. Hamada
Rick Hamada’s article about domestic air travel contained many valid points. In the interest of fairness, however, he should have mentioned that after 911 these airline employees were threatened with loss of jobs if they didn’t agree to massive wage and benefit cuts, while pension funding was lost, airline amenities for customers were eliminated, planes were made more cramped to squeeze in more people, Homeland Security has made checking in for a flight a virtual hell, fliers stand in line for hours and are then subjected to the whims of security forces. Wages and benefits were never restored even though management has been able to find enough money to fund millions and millions of dollars for executive bonuses, and flight attendants were put on the front line and made personally responsible for dealing with unhappy, tired, cramped and hungry passengers.
I’d like to see how Mr. Hamada would react to the conditions airline personnel were/are forced to accept to keep their jobs. It’s easy to say “Find another job,” but many of these folks have invested most of their lives in these jobs. Mr. Hamada would have been much more credible had he gone after management, which is responsible for the deplorable conditions in the airline industry.
Bob Windisch
Ewa Beach
Go with God
Regarding letters arguing against Dorothy Farmer’s well-made point that America is a Christian nation, the problem is that by failing to recognize and embrace our Christian heritage we encourage the Devil’s work - as seen in drugs, teen pregnancy, gangs, road rage.
Our nation and our state truly needs to “go with God.”
Arthur Mendosa
Silly religion
That some people want the most powerful nation on earth to be run based on the fantasies of religious nuts from 2,000 years ago and more is the silliest thing I’ve ever heard.
Unless maybe it’s the Muslim theocracy in Iran trying to get a nuclear bomb based on something Muhammed said 1,500 years ago.
Our country, and the whole world, would be so much better off if we left the primitive idea of god out of our decision making.
Without a “god” we might still find things to fight about - oil? - I’ll bet we’d fight a lot less.
Barbara Cole
Mr. TV speaks up
What is it about Bob Jones? He doesn’t seem to like anyone or anything on local TV - including recent disses of Bob Sevey, Leslie Wilcox and Jim and Kanoa Leahey. I didn’t realize that Mr. Jones was the be-all and end-all of quality TV in Hawaii.
How have we ever survived without his mug on the evening news all these years?
Janice Miyamoto
Pot hole slalom
I saw the letter to MidWeek from the mayor’s spokesman disputing Rick Hamada’s column about our Third World roads, and about how improved our roads are. That person must not get around very much, or travel out of state. Last year I visited San Francisco, Phoenix and Portland, and it was so much fun not playing slalom around the pot holes.
It’s simple, Mr. Mayor - when our roads are good, we’ll stop bitching about them.
Ted Sanchez
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