Letters To The Editor

April 16, 2008 - MidWeek
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Thank you, too
Thank you to Nathan Lee of Aiea for his response to the Poll question, “What is your pet peeve?” He said, “People who don’t say thank you. There aren’t enough people who express their appreciation in this world.”
To paraphrase a saying about another big holiday, “Every day should be Thanksgiving.”
Alice Lee-Yamane
Bhutan sex lesson
Bob Jones hit the nail on the head in his column “Bhutan Sex Lesson.” If we were more frank with our children about sex and treat it as the natural, god-given function that it is, we’d have fewer sexual hangups and problems, and fewer teen pregnancies and STDs.
But of course that would mean parents having to lose their own sex hangups first.
Andrew Cohen
Economic tsunamis
Dan Boylan had it right in his column “The Effects Of Far Away Actions.”
Out here in the Pacific we are all too susceptible to economic “tsunamis.” Remember the post-9/ll downturn in our economy?
Our economic vulnerability is all the more reason we need to diversify our economy locally, and as a state and nation to wean ourselves from that big oil nipple they call the Middle East.
Rob Kometani
Take responsibility
You have to feel sorry for the family described by Jerry Coffee in his column “A Formula For Personal Disaster.” At the same time, they were largely the cause of their own financial emergencies by not planning better and spending foolishly.
As a person who lives on a budget within my means, including paying my mortgage, I will be outraged if our government spends billions of dollars to bail out people who made decisions similar to the ones described by Mr. Coffee. It’s all about personal responsibility!
Art Wong
The Bush example
Regarding Larry Price’s column “We Need Leaders Who Can Learn,” it’s amazing that any business or political leader can think his days of learning - and needing to learn - are done.
Then again, that sounds exactly like President Bush. If he’d bothered to learn a bit about Iraq before he so foolishly invaded, we likely would not be in this awful position with more than 4,000 of our brave military people dead and thousands more wounded for life.
Beth Mattias
The shows go on
As one of those who helped fill Blaisdell Concert Hall with my family for Lion King, it was great to read the cover story about John Fuhrmann and the city doing all they can to bring more big shows and acts to Hawaii. I hope Mr. Fuhrmann is at least nominated for city employee of the year. We need more good people like him.
Yuki Gomes
All wet
Adding Ron Mizutani’s column “Currents” to MidWeek was a great idea. Between Ron and Gary Kewley’s surfing column in the weekend MidWeek, nobody covers ocean sports like MidWeek. Stoked!
Kai Jackson
Illogical argument
In his letter, Bert West makes the assertions that “all religions, gods and teachings are human creations,” and that “what is really immoral is forcing a female to go through a pregnancy and childbirth that she doesn’t want.”
Notice that if Mr. West wants to hold to his former proposition, it follows logically and inescapably that the latter cannot be true, as all morality then would be nothing but “a human creation.” On the other hand, if there are any objective morals whatsoever, I think there are good reasons to affirm that killing a baby qualifies as a violation of such morals.
Steve Williams
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