Letters To The Editor

August 20, 2008 - MidWeek
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Coffee and McCain
Jerry Coffee’s column “1,215 Troops Re-enlist In Iraq” was a powerful story and one I was glad to learn about.
But as an independent who is still undecided, there’s something about Mr. Coffee, John McCain’s state campaign chairman, writing a column in MidWeek that doesn’t seem quite right. It’s like “when Coffee speaks, McCain speaks.”
Nevertheless, I admire Mr. Coffee and salute the valiant men and women who re-upped in the middle of a war zone.
Ted Jensen
Take the test!
I’m a teacher and appreciated Rick Hamada’s column “Blame Union Leaders, Not Teachers.” I especially liked the part where he said, “the rank and file must look within themselves and decide whether the current HSTA leadership is serving them or simply serving themselves.”
If a teacher is afraid of drug testing, they’re in the wrong business.
Bus drivers are tested for drugs because so many lives are in their hands. Young, precious lives of students are in our hands, and we should be assured that teachers are clean and sober.
That said, I have never known a teacher I suspected of drug use, but still.
Please do not use my name as I have heard of union retribution.
Name Withheld
Save her a seat
As a longtime bus rider, I agree with Jade Moon’s column “The Benefits Of Riding TheBus.” The only thing is that since gas went above $4 a gallon, it’s getting tougher to find a seat!
Linda Watanabe
Get with the surge
Seems Bob Jones is still fighting the Vietnam War. I found his critical comments about “embedded journalists” not reporting the “never-ending war in Iraq” a bit late.
It might have made sense prior to the surge, but losses today don’t seem to fit his story. We now have more deaths on a weekend in L.A. or Detroit than in Iraq. Why not a story on the “never-ending war” in Korea, Germany, Japan, etc.
Bill Baker
He’s no Lincoln
Wow, Dan Boylan sure has Obamamania bad! In his column “The Power of Obama’s Words,” he states his case as to why Obama is more than just a superstar. Mr. Boylan proclaims that Obama is the first American of African ancestry to be a presidential candidate; that Obama has written two autobiographical books; that his speeches have drawn large audiences around the globe. All superfluous as it relates to being qualified for holding the office of president. And in a back-handed comparison to Abraham Lincoln - “I’m not about to elevate Obama to Lincoln’s status yet.” - he claims that Obama’s words have the power to move people , a talent that can’t be dismissed as mere celebrity. According to Wikipedia, a “celebrity is a widely recognized or famous person who commands a high degree of public and media attention. The word stems from the Latin verb ‘celebrere’ but they may not become a celebrity unless public and mass media interest is piqued.”
Sound familiar, Mr. Boylan? Obama is a media darling who can use a teleprompter. In other words, a celebrity. Abraham Lincoln was a brilliant leader who never knew what a teleprompter was.
Barack Obama is no Abraham Lincoln and never will be!
Jill Rethman
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