Letters To The Editor

October 01, 2008 - MidWeek
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Lots to write about
I have been tempted to write to you before this, but never so much as the Sept. 24 issue. First, I have always admired Jade Moon as a news anchor on KGMB and most of her articles in MidWeek, but her attack on McCain/Palin was so unprofessional and almost childish, I could hardly believe she actually wrote it.
Second, you disappoint by adding Arianna Huffington to your pages. Surely you can find a liberal with better credentials who isn’t so far left.
Third, three cheers for Bob Jones on his death with dignity column. Right on! I do not believe our maker intended for the medical profession to decide when a person is ready to die. “Do no harm” has nothing to do with death with dignity.
B.J. Dyhr
Suicide is a sin
What Bob Jones apparently did not consider is that the problem with any kind of suicide is that you’re killing, which is a sin from which you cannot repent. Therefore, you’ll go to hell. As bad as things may be in this life, spending eternity in hell would be worse.
Mary Fey Gatalico
Ewa Beach
Palin and neocons
If conservative Pat Buchanan is concerned about the neocons’grip on Sarah Palin, the rest of us should be even more worried. The neocons and their idiotic American empire notions, as seen in the policies of Bush and Cheney, have resulted in the most devastating eight years in American history. McCain-Pain, er, Palin, would only offer more of the same. I am praying and trusting that my fellow Americans will recognize this and give our country a new chance with Barack Obama.
David Matsumoto
Twisted logic
There Michelle Malkin goes again. In her column “The World Still Blames America,” she starts off quoting statistics to prove that the rest of the world really doesn’t trust America very much.
And then in the last few paragraphs she uses Barack Obama’s popularity abroad as evidence that he too “hates America” and aids the terrorists.
The twisted logic is mind-boggling. To think that this kind of nonsense warrants her a weekly syndicated column is beyond belief. In the interest of being “fair and balanced,” does the media really have to give voice to the lunatic fringe? Surely there are more rational conservative voices available.
J.B. Young
Shark hunt time?
As a swimmer and Boogie boarder, the increase in shark sightings and shark attacks is chilling. I know, native Hawaiians regard sharks as gods, but come on, gods don’t eat people, they protect them. I, for one, am all for a state program to remove large sharks from our waters.
Andrew Robinson
O Henry!
Thank you for publishing the cover story on Henry Miyamura. Alice Keesing did a fantastic job getting all the facts in and portraying Henry as the local boy done good. She really captured his accomplishments as well as many of his endearing quirks.
It’s nice to see that his hard work and contributions to our community are being recognized. Music really did save his life: Henry says it over and over again. Thank you for putting his story out there so kids and their families can maybe see the possibilities.
The Hawaii Youth Symphony always loves working with the MidWeek team, not just because they make us look so good (thank you to photographer Nathalie Walker!) in such a high-circulation paper, but more so because they are just really great people to work with.
Our organization is a solid one because of our dedicated kids and the teachers, like Henry, who bring out their best. Thank you for giving us a shot at sharing our story.
Selena Ching,
Executive Director
Hawaii Youth Symphony
Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
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