Letters To The Editor

October 15, 2008 - MidWeek
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Wrong on GOP rule
Dan Boylan’s column last week was unbelievable. Let’s go back in the way-back machine to 1993. That was 15 years ago when Bill Clinton came to town with a Democratic majority in the House and Senate. That kind of negates Mr. Boylan’s fatuous claim of “30 years of Republican deregulatory excess.” At most they had 15 years to work their magic. But wait, isn’t the current majority in the House and Senate Democrats? So can we agree there was no 30-year period of Republican deregulation. Never happened.
Next, how did this subprime mortgage situation evolve? In a September 1993 Chicago Sun-Times article, Madeleine Talbot (who has been described as a mentor of Barack Obama) led an ACORN initiative to get Fannie Mae to make mortgages for lowand moderate-income people with troubled credit histories. Talbot is quoted as saying, “If this pilot program works, it will send a message to the lending community that it’s OK to make these kind of loans.” The rest is history.
Also, Arianna Huffington led with the identical Ronald Reagan quote Dan Boylan used. I guess that proves they both got the Democratic National Committee talking points memo at the same time. I liked her column better.
Mark Felman
Reagan was right
Ronald Reagan famously asked in 1980, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” The question is even more relevant today. This economic crisis happened under the Republican watch. Greenspan, Bernanke, Paulson and the rest of them sat idly by while the housing market went into unsustainable heights. Instead of putting on the brakes, they decided what we needed was more stimulus! The answer today is the same as 1980: Throw out the incumbent party. It’s time for a change.
Makana Risser Chai
Bible is pertinent
In his letter last week, Edward Garcia is all in a froth over another writer’s reference to the Bible in opposing death with dignity. Mr. Garcia’s vitriolic rhetoric toward the Bible displays his ignorance of what it says and its veracity. Is what the Bible says pertinent to this issue? Yes, because the vast majority of our laws are built upon the moral foundation of Judeo-Christian values. And on this issue, the Bible’s position is clear: that all human life is a precious gift from God, and as a result it should be protected, and the quality of it increased whenever possible. If this causes Mr. Garcia to scream, so be it, but let them be screams of joy.
Steve Klein
Unpatriotic CEOs
The sociopath CEOs obviously have no conscience or loyalty to this country. Uncontrolled capitalist greed has undermined the economic foundation of America, and the other extreme of unlimited government socialist welfare spending would not be any better. Hopefully our next president will be able to find some equitable balance.
Bruce Lee
Hawaii Kai
Mahalo, MidWeek
Thank you for covering the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Hawaii Golf Classic with Honolulu Pa’ina photos. Images of the event, both in print and on MidWeek‘s website, help to enhance the public perception of RMHC.
On behalf of the staff, board, sponsors and the families calling the Ronald McDonald House home. On behalf of Island kids struggling to recover from serious illnesses and their families whose lives are suddenly disrupted, mahalo!
Gene Davis
Public Relations Manager
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