Letters To The Editor

November 05, 2008 - MidWeek
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Praising civility
Thanks to Jade Moon for sharing some of the outrageous e-mails she received because she admitted that she prefers Barack Obama for president. The rude rants from McCain supporters show an absolute disrespect for American political discourse, not to mention another human being. Just because you disagree with another person’s politics, it does not give you the right to call them awful names and denigrate their intelligence, character or patriotism.
I personally intend to vote for McCain-Palin, but I am disgusted with people who personalize and demonize their opponents.
This is America, after all, and the expectation in a two-party system is that we will disagree. Surely, as grown-ups, we can do so in a civil manner.
So I send kudos to the Neighbor Island mayoral candidates whom Dan Boylan reported were so “civil” in their debates.
Ethel Iwamura
Zealous comments
Shame on Susan Page for resorting to such sensationalism in her column last week. Everyone in Hawaii knows that Ms. Page is a zealous Republican and that her husband is McCain’s campaign chair here, so she did not need to resort to the same rhetoric as the McCain-Palin duo. To lower herself like that does not do her credit. She has almost convinced me to vote Democrat!
Judith Lutfy
Softballs and ditzes
Regarding letter writer Lois Abrams’ claim that TV interviewers Charles Gibson and Katie Couric “attacked” Sarah Palin “like a pair of piranhas in a nasty attempt to make her look foolish,” Ms. Abrams should be reminded that those two journalists were hand-picked by the McCain campaign because it was understood they would go easy on the Alaska governor and lob her softball questions. No, Mrs. Palin can look foolish all on her own.
I’d love to see the Republicans’ reaction if Obama had chosen someone so unready to be vice president, or president.
As for Ms. Abrams’ criticism of Dan Boylan for calling Palin “ditzy,” I see in the same issue that Bob Jones calls Palin “the ditziest candidate ever to run for vice president.” As a conservative I wish it were not so, but it is.
Jake Edmundson
The end of ‘Rovian’
Arianna Huffington really hit the nail on the head when she described the McCain-Palin campaign as using “gutter tactics.”
I hope she is also right in saying that the Internet is helping to kill “Rovian” tactics. Eight years too late, but better late then never.
Gene Souza
Need some laughs
With all of the acrimony in the political campaign, thank you to MidWeek for publishing columns from Bruce Cameron, DL Stewart and Chuck Shepherd that actually make me laugh out loud. We need more of that, and I imagine that we will continue to do so.
Richard Lee
Aloha, Mom
Thanks to Jo McGarry for a wonderful tribute to Sandy “Mom” Kodama. Every time my family visited her son’s d.k Steak House, she made us feel like part of their family, too.
We’ll miss her, and feel blessed to have been touched by this great lady.
Ed Stephens
Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
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