Letters To The Editor

January 28, 2009 - MidWeek
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Good riddance
Patrick Buchanan’s column “All The Things Bush Cannot See” is one of the most sobering pieces I’ve read about the ruinous Bush years. I refer especially to Buchanan’s point that America is following the example of the failed Spanish and British empires, which also “embraced free trade as ... salvation,” rather than manufacturing and exports.
Buchanan also rightly points out that the cost of Bush’s reckless Iraq war has perhaps permanently damaged the U.S.
Good riddance.
John Chang
Bush legacy
Reading Jerry Coffee’s column “The Good Things Bush Did For Us,” I was reminded of the Biblical passage, “they have eyes and yet cannot see.” That would apply to Mr. Coffee and the 20 percent or so of people who say they approve of Bush’s performance, even more to the 13 percent who approve of Dick Cheney’s job as VP.
Good grief, people, these two men have done more to weaken America than any terrorist, and it can be argued they played right into Osama bin Laden’s hand.
That’s some legacy.
Kimberly Higa
Past time to go
Watching George Bush squirm during Barak Obama’s inauguration, and seeing him flying out of D.C. afterward, part of me felt sad for the man. And then I realized, wait a minute, more than 4,000 Americans are dead because of his war of choice - more than were killed on 9/11 - and 30,000 American military injured, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead, millions more displaced. The Middle East is more unstable than ever. Under Bush the rich got richer and the rest of us did not.
So as his plane departed, all I could think was, whew, it’s about damn time.
The man does not deserve even pity. I hope in his time left on earth he suffers just half as much as the suffering he caused our country and the world.
William Lee
Pearl City
Explain this, Mufi
Regarding the letter about Phoenix building a rail system for $1.4 billion while Mayor Mufi’s train of similar length will cost a minimum $5 billion, all I can say is, what’s up with that, Mr. Mayor?
And whose pockets are you lining?
And with state lawmakers anticipating a $1.8 billion budget deficit this year, what on earth are we doing going ahead your stupid rail system?
Finally, are you trying to do to Honolulu what Bush did to America?
Arthur Souza
Kalihi Valley
Whale of a story
Mahalo to Ron Mizutani for his wonderful column on Hawaii’s “Mysterious Pygmy Killer Whales.” I had no idea these magnificent creatures resided in our waters. And what a great photograph of the whales.
Mr. Mizutani was a great addition to your MidWeek team.
Eileen K. Smith
Hawaii Kai
Tube talk
What a wonderful pubic service MidWeek provides by publishing a free weekly TV guide, especially for we retirees on fixed budgets, and especially now that the Advertiser has stopped publishing its TV guide. But please take a look at your TV listings and consider revising them - there are several channels I watch that are not shown.
Tets Kaneshiro
Editor’s note: Thank you for your input. Space is limited, but we’re happy to hear your suggestions.
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