Letters To The Editor

May 20, 2009 - MidWeek
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Kennedy kudos
Thank you for the excellent coverage of the Kennedy Center’s Theater for Young Audiences performances at McKinley School. Alice Keesing’s reporting was excellent as well as the photography by Nathalie Walker.Both ladies were a pleasure to work with and made the process go smoothly.The cover layout by Gina Lambert was outstanding and has received lots of acclaim. The Kennedy Center was very pleased that their message received such attention.
Personally I am amazed how far and wide MidWeek is read. Total strangers on the street stop me and tell me how much they enjoyed the article. Even the flight attendant on my recent flight to Washington, D.C., said she would give me extra attention thanks to the story!
The Kennedy Center was thrilled with their success in Hawaii, and MidWeek had a part in making that happen. The Kennedy Center completed its long-term goal of performing in all 50 states! Again, thank you for your part in helping make Hawaii shine!
Jean E. Rolles, Vice President
Community Relations
Outrigger Enterprises Group
Killer bottle caps
Thank you to Ron Mizutani for his column on the dangers posed to wildlife by littered bottle caps. When I’m at the beach or parks, I always pick up plastic bags for the trash to keep them from going in the water, but I have ignored the bottle caps because I didn’t know they got eaten by seabirds. Now I will be more attentive and dispose of them also.
Rev. Toni Baran
Missing the point
After reading Bob Jones’ MidWeek article about the tea parties,I have to say that it was he who missed the point. The majority of people at those tea parties weren’t there to protest the taxes we paid on April 15.What most of us were concerned about was the incredible amount of spending/bailouts going on in Washington.I am concerned that we are putting a huge future burden on ourselves, our children and grandchildren. Our country got into the mess we are in, partly because of people trying to live beyond their means: borrowing money they didn’t have to pay for homes/things they couldn’t afford. How can our government expect to get us out of this mess by doing the same?
He also said that we missed the point because we have taxation with representation - because we voted for these people.
Virna Castanera
Coffee is right
Jerry Coffee expressed my feelings toward the USA precisely in his column “Fundamen-tally, USA Is Sound.“In fact, I saved his column,intending to send it to my sister and a few friends.Then I discover Terry Lee’s letter “A Changed USA, sir” in the next issue of MidWeek, basically disagreeing with Mr. Coffee on every point. I am left in utter dismay at how differently people view America. Anything I voice here would meet agreement by some,disagreement by others. I am glad I am on the side of viewing the USA as a great and wondrous country. We will always need to strive to improve it, but to speak negatively of it is plain sad. The haters of America will not change my mind,nor do I believe will I change their minds. The best we can do is to agree to disagree, with civility.
Karyn Abe
Try humility
Regarding Jerry Coffee’s column on"fundamentals:“How about a fundamental change to humility. We might get more respect from other nations of the world.
Florence M. Matsuda
Obama and Hitler?
The column “The Poser-in-Chief’s Stagecraft” by Michelle Malkin is a true example of why the conservative movement is dying in our country. She compares the president to the likes of Adolf Hitler and believes he is “trashing America as arrogant.” What Ms.Malkin and other on the far right do not seem to understand is that this type of behavior is creating a black eye around their cause. Making these outrageous claims about our president does nothing but further divide our nation. If she and others like her truly believe that President Obama is the second coming of Hitler, they need to take a good look in the mirror.This hateful talk is spreading fear among our citizens much as Hitler did.
K. Abu
False equality
Bob Jones and Jade Moon’s devotion to equality is admirable but misplaced, especially in regard to civil unions. The idea of entitlement as a constitutional right without considering the political, cultural, biological or traditional precedence is juvenile.
In education, career and family responsibilities, we have seen this idea of entitlement totally ignore whether or not something is deserved.Any way one looks at it, homosexual relationships have no claim to marriage - politically, culturally, biologically or traditionally. Homosexuality is simply not where marriage originated.
The Constitution does guarantee the pursuit of happiness,but not happiness itself. Homosexuals may choose a lifetime mate and therefore appear to be entitled to marriage, but for all argument, they are not. Blaming religion for bigotry is a cheap argument.
Until our society has enlightened itself to the phenomenon of marriage by means of philosophy and morality, we should not use haste in instituting an implausible claim to equality.
Michael S. Teruya
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