Letters To The Editor

September 16, 2009 - MidWeek
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Both ways
I had to chuckle when I read the two letters this week (9/2) from Paul Mizue, “Slanting right,” and Art Miller, “Slanting left.” To have an intelligent discussion on any issue, both sides must be willing to listen to the other’s opinions and ideas with an open mind. Today, unfortunately, too many on either side of the political debate are unwilling to come to the table with an open mind. Instead, like Paul and Art, they are quick to demonize and seek to silence the opposition.
That MidWeek has the courage to publish the thoughts and opinions from both sides of the aisle, week in and week out, make it the jewel that it is. Please do not change a thing.
John Baughman
Statehood point
Thomas Guzman missed the real point on statehood in his 8/26 letter. I was here at the time of the vote and over the decades have heard many Caucasians say that the Hawaiians should be grateful that the U.S. took over their nation. The Hawaiians were stripped of their right to choose their future and destiny by the overthrow and involuntary annexation of their nation.
With statehood came the tremendous growth of tourism and the resulting inmigration of tens of thousands of new residents. The Hawaiians have been continually losing rights of access to fishing, hunting and sacred areas, losing control of crown lands. Federal, state and city and county governments have failed miserably in protecting those rights as they are mandated to do. Since statehood I have seen the continual stripping of Hawaii of its Hawaiian-ness, becoming more and more just another Mainland city. Tragic.
Bert West
Moore for us
Thanks for the letter in MidWeek (8/26) from TV news anchor Joe Moore. I was one of the readers saddened by and believing Bob Jones’facts he was giving us: spelling doom for KHON with this guy on board.
I was honored to be at a holiday party at KHON and was looking forward to seeing Joe. “He won’t be here,” I was told. “He’s preparing for his 10 p.m. newscast. He takes his news seriously.”
I remember one broadcast in which Joe was reading the story of a man who had backed out of his driveway and ran over his toddlers. He didn’t know it, Joe told us, until the man got out of his car and saw the two little girls lying there. And then Joe faltered. He couldn’t speak. The enormity of that tragedy had him overwhelmed for some moments, camera rolling. Then he continued. From then on, he was the newscaster for me.
Personally, I’m grateful for the slower, crystal-clear delivery of the news. It’s the one time of the day set aside for this, so TV news is important to me. Especially in Hawaii, with so many nationalities among us, it seems as if this thoughtful delivery of his does us all a service. It is reassuring to know that KHON wants Joe through 2017.
Ruth Freedman
More on Moore
Bob Jones’ attack against Joe Moore (8/26) only makes clearer his attempt toward the defamation of another so as to appear superior. It is in vain.
He is like the kid on the basketball court whose bad attitude keeps him from being picked to play, so he takes his ball and goes home.
Joe Moore has always been a cut above the rest, while Bob Jones has never made the cut.
Mr. Moore, continue with your quality of work, ethical standards and excellent newscasting.
I will continue as a faithful KHON viewer and MidWeek reader who would like nothing more than to see Bob Jones’ column replaced with something worthy of my time.
T. Marie Walker
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