Letters To The Editor

September 30, 2009 - MidWeek
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Price is right
Mahalo to Larry Price for his on-going coverage of the state’s negotiations with public worker unions. I appreciate his expertise in making complicated situations more understandable. And I agree entirely with the title of his most recent column, “Where’s The Urgency In Union Talks.”
Stanley Leong
GOP and race
Rick Hamada has a great future as a comedian. In fact, his column “Dems Wrong On Racial Charges” made me laugh out loud. If he had any intellectual honesty, he would see the obvious racism of many - certainly not all - of the tea baggers, birthers, death-panelers and healthcare protesters. I wonder if Mr. Hamada noticed, for example, some protesters portraying the president as an ape? Heavens, that couldn’t be racist, could it? Of course not, because Mr. Hamada assures us there are no racists in the Republican party. Glad that’s settled.
Steven Gomes
Ban Boylan
It is difficult for me to believe that a far-left liberal Democrat, Dan Boylan, is allowed to teach (indoctrinate) university students, let alone week after week be allowed to express these views in MidWeek. I have put up with his writings, but his column “Bring Guns To The Debate” takes the cake. He goes from assassination of Obama possibilities to the Republican on-slaught on healthcare. I am an independent who voted for Obama, but am becoming less of a supporter by the day, because of his actions.
Mr. Boylan supports it all, by rote. He supports the Obama torture edict, even though the terrorists are not a known army; cap-and-trade, even though 88 percent of America still uses carbon to heat homes, and last it is the Democrats attempting to push through their proposals, the public be damned.
If Mr. Boylan supports everything Obama said at the UN last Thursday, then he is in lockstep with Obama, and for the good of the state and the country he should be banned from your publication and his teaching position.
Paul Miller
Fuzzy geography
While reading Jerry Coffee’s column “Our Puzzling Honduras Policy,” I was surprised by his ignorance of basic world geography. In his commentary he mentioned several times that Venezuela is a neighbor of Honduras, but any fifth grader could tell Mr. Coffee that Honduras and Venezuela are located on two different continents. Honduras is in Central America and shares borders with Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. Venezuela is located on the South American continent, surrounded by Columbia, Guyana and Brazil.
If Mr. Coffee wants readers to take his opinions seriously, he needs to do some general research into the regions he is writing about.
Julie Kirby
Ewa Beach
Wasted ink
Bob Jones’ column on evolution and faith is by far the strangest presentation of objective versus subjective thought I have ever read. He said “science is bound to win out” then says “we have to wait for faith-based thinking to catch up.”
In other words, we must wait until the definition of objective equals subjective or when science (unproved I might add) equals faith in a creator.
By far the biggest waste of Bob Jones ink I have ever seen.
Bill Bake
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I’ve noticed this past week that Lunalilo Elementary School is having another “break”. I got curious if it had to do with furloughs, and went to their website. On Fridays there are furlough days listed as well as many conference days. The future of our children should be the very last thing compromised. Is all the funding for the rail being put on hold so that teachers can teach and our children can learn? I don’t have kids but it disturbs me when a nine-year-old neighbor has come to the conclusion that growing up to aspire to be a maid means she can submit wrong answers on homework and it is OK. Children are very perceptive - if education isn’t a first priority to the adult community directing children’s futures, why should it be to them? And in ten years, we’ll be wondering why so many more young people are “dropping out” of society to do drugs, petty crime or settling for dead end, low tech jobs.I was very lucky in that I was raised at a time, in a state where education was a top priority, and even though I got educated in a public school, I’m amazed at how much better of an education I got than people who attended private school in other states. What is it going to take to get this state on track with how vital education is? People, regardless of what they do career wise, are a lot less likely to get addicted to drugs or turn to the quick money of vice when given a good quality education and, well, taught to think. Some things are far too precious to be furloughed out.
Posted by Beverly Ho on 10/08 at 03:00 PM