Letters To The Editor

May 12, 2010 - MidWeek
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God’s image
Regarding the Hawaii Legislature passing HB-444 (civil unions): The Bible says God made humans in His image, so how can homosexuality be an abomination or sin?
Patricia Blair
Unfair to clerks
In years past, I have often respected the ability of Bob Jones to do fair reporting of news and documentaries. However, this talent seems to have diminished. I don’t know if Mr. Jones has ever worked in a government agency, let alone with “clerical staffers” like myself. If I earned $40 an hour in wages and benefits, I’d consider myself rich!
Mr. Jones also failed to mention the source of the “national study” (and what criteria were used) of local government employees’salaries and benefit package. Members of the governor’s cabinet receive hefty salary packages, get just about the same benefits as government workers, but don’t have to work in government 20 to 30 years in order to receive this package (like I do). I can tell you that Gov. Lingle has many friends who are earning hefty paychecks and are not even taking the same cuts (furloughs) as the regular government worker. The starting hourly wage for an entry-level clerk is $12.84 per hour (oh, yeah, I forgot to subtract the 9.77 percent pay cut due to furloughs).
How sad that he would just “dump” us clerks (by outsourcing)! Why couldn’t he say out-source the director, and the many friends? This is very hurtful, especially it being close to Administrative Assistant’s Day!
Maybe we should have the option to strike. Remember the effect the opala pickers had on the public a few years ago when they were “off” the day after Christmas?
I can only hope that Mr. Jones did not mean what he said in the article. I also am hopeful that he won’t lose his job on this account, because then he may have to face clerks in the unemployment office.
Also, I hope Mr. Jones watched the recent Merrie Monarch Hula Festival, which was partially sponsored by HGEA.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to voice my opinion!
Aloha, Lori Fuchigami State clerical employee, Unit 03
Line up the right
In the future would you be so kind as to print articles by Michelle Malkin, Jerry Coffee and Susan Page on one back-to-back page? This will facilitate my ripping it out before reading and truly enjoying the otherwise always great issues of MidWeek.
Gwen Heliker
Fireworks sting
While efforts are under way to ban illegal aerial fireworks, I’ve heard the reason these fireworks are getting into Hawaii in shipping containers is because federal or state officials responsible for checking and imposing import duties on goods shipped to the U.S. from foreign countries, including those where these fireworks are made, are corrupt and taking bribes to let the illegal fireworks into the state. It wouldn’t be the first time a government official was found guilty of taking bribes, and probably won’t be the last. Maybe there needs to be an undercover FBI sting operation.
Ed Wagner
Tam scam
So City Councilman Rod Tam scams $3,600 from taxpayers to pay for lunches for him and his cronies, and walks away with a slap on the hand? If anyone else on this island were to steal $3,600, they’d be behind bars.
This is the same man who made a racial slur against Mexicans. He has no right to hold public office, and not much intelligence either. What is wrong with the voters in his district?
Mary Correa
Ewa Beach
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