Letters To The Editor

May 19, 2010 - MidWeek
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Lots to like
A special thumbs up on MidWeek‘s May 5 issue. First, a gorgeous lady on the cover of the swimsuit issue. Dan Boylan’s column “Modern Democracy All About Dollars” was exceptionally articulate, and distressing in its accuracy. Patrick Buchanan’s “U.S. Declines As China Rises” was especially scary. Where has our leadership been for the past 10 years? That’s about when I started sensing that coming geopolitical upheaval. After all, I am from the country, Germany, that produced Oswald Spengler’s famous and influential book Der Untergang des Abendlandes (The Decline of the Western World) almost 100 years ago.
Ron Mizutani’s “Meeting ‘The Seal Whisperer’” was so timely at the current showing of Disney’s Oceans. Jade Moon was outstanding with her “Brave Move By The Legislature.” That should be made required reading in all schools.
Never mind Michelle Malkin or Jerry Coffee. They upset my equilibrium. Except those two, keep it up. MidWeek is great.
Gerhard C. Hamm
Waialae Iki
Cover to cover
Enjoyed your cover story about Princess Kaiulani from a WWII student at the school named after her. And as an avid reader, I was informed and amused by your excellent mix of articles, starting with the life and times of Ron Nagasawa, Bob Jones about civil unions, Dan Boylan on a “Case for Hanabusa,” Rick Hamada on “Worst Legislative Session Ever,” and Jade Moon about guys spitting, which I won’t comment on since my explanation is not publishable!
Clarence Ching
Mind of a spitter
Excellent article about spitting by Jade Moon. I’m happy that someone wrote about it. I thought that I was the only one who thought it was disgusting and disrespectful when you spit in public. It’s like blowing your nose without using a napkin. I’ve known many public spitters in my lifetime. The one personality trait that they all have in common is that they all think that they’re a man’s man and don’t take orders from anyone. They mark their territory by spitting like animals spray and urinate. Hope this little insight helped.
Colin Kau
Blame state Dems
Jade Moon’s April 28 column about the sit-in at the governor’s office reveals that she lacks common sense or is a biased journalist who favors the political Democrat machine goals that have controlled our state for 40-plus years. The sit-in was just another action of the Democrat machine to place the blame on the Republican governor. If they were fair, they would have sitins at the offices of the state legislators, the Department of Education, the Board of Education and the teachers’ union, too. The principal culprit in the various ongoing problems of our educational system over the many years are the state legislators who created the laws of our education system.
Our Democrat-controlled Legislature not only created bad laws that harm our students’ education, but intentionally weakened the spending laws by changing or inserting wording in state statutes on costly major projects to avoid competitive bidding by calling a project an “emergency.” Two cases are the multimillion-dollar school project and the library in Kapolei, the planned “second city.” Anyone planning a second city knows that schools and a library are necessities, yet they called it an “emergency” to avoid competitive bidding so the projects could be given to special interests.
As lawmakers, they can turn an unlawful action into a lawful one simply by changing the wording. Federal legislators, mostly lawyers like our state legislators, have been very good at these immoral actions throughout the years.
Wilbert W.W. Wong Sr.
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