Letters To The Editor

May 26, 2010 - MidWeek
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Inspiring story
Thanks to Jerry Coffee for sharing an inspiring story that most of us would never have known about - first, the incredible bravery of Kimo Gabriel, who sacrificed his life for freedom in Vietnam in 1962, and second, the official naming of a Green Beret parade at Fort Campbell in Kentucky for Gabriel.
It’s this kind of story that makes MidWeek a unique newspaper.
Arthur Moniz
Unknown heroes
I so appreciated Jerry Coffee’s column about James Gabriel. I wish there was a column strictly devoted to telling the stories of each of the men and women who have given their lives for us whom we will never know or have the opportunity to thank personally. I think this column should be required reading by every school child in Hawaii and the U.S.
More articles like this are needed. I was born and raised in Hawaii and never knew about the marker at the corner of Beretania and Richards streets. How ironic, as is often the case, that this hero of a man was from Hawaii and yet one would have to go to Fort Campbell to see him given a parade field.Yet there is already talk of a library for Obama, who never held a real job, never had to sacrifice in the manner we are referring to. Something is very wrong with this picture.
Let freedom ring!
Barbara Z. Cook
Jones a lib?
My goodness, did Bob Jones really endorse Republican Charles Djou? At least, he said Djou would do no worse than his two Democrat opponents. Is Mr. Jones still a liberal progressive? Makes you wonder.
Les Lee
Chief cheers
Mahalo for a fine cover story on new HPD Chief Louis Kealoha. It’s wonderful to see an officer rise through the ranks while earning a post-graduate degree and also working with traditional Hawaiian values. The photo of the hundreds of officers lined up and following him was very impressive.
Don Watanabe
Enough Malkin
I thought I was the only one who noticed that Michelle Malkin constantly thrashed Barack Obama in her column. Readers K. Yamashita and Gwen Heliker agree with me per their letters to you.
Was a special page created for Michelle Malkin to vent her personal criticism toward Barack Obama? Does anyone edit her column beforehand? Please have her write objectively or not write at all! Other columnists are sometimes radical in their comments, but not as consistently as Malkin toward Obama.
I enjoy all the features of MidWeek and hope that you continue your good work.
Lorraine Akana
Princess speaks
Regarding MidWeek‘s recent cover featuring the movie about Princess Kaiulani: On one of our visits to Honolulu, we saw the beautiful portrait of Princess Kaiulani in the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. While we were admiring the painting, a man joined us. “She saved my life,” he said. We just listened. “It was during the Vietnam war. I was on R and R, walking around the streets of Honolulu, worrying, feeling depressed and thinking that I would never get home again. Then I saw this beautiful woman,” and he pointed to the portrait, “and she said that everything was going to be OK, that I would survive the war, get home, and have a wonderful life. You know what?” he asked, and without waiting for an answer continued, “she was right, and every time I come here, I say a little prayer of thanksgiving.”
Just wanted to share this with you.
Selma and Edgar Davis
Bala Cynwyd, Pa.
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