Letters To The Editor

June 02, 2010 - MidWeek
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Free press lives
In response to letters bashing Michele Malkin, it is nice to read about both sides of the situation. I look forward to my MidWeek to see the latest columns from Ms. Malkin, Jerry Coffee and Arianna Huffington. Ms. Malkin does a great job at offering facts that the “lame street” media does not cover. It is a good thing there is still free press in our nation. The government controls the banking, auto and health industry. And the “anointed one” is now trying to control the media because there is “too much information” out there to confuse us.
Thank you, MidWeek, for your fair and balanced information. If people don’t like Michelle Malkin, don’t read her columns. And you can “keep the change.”
E. Cross
Keep Malkin
I have noticed some letters talking about Michelle Malkin and how she doesn’t like President Obama, and asking her to be removed from MidWeek. My thoughts? I think the president’s agenda, ideology and competency are all horribly wrong for this country. I also think Ms. Malkin is right on the money. She investigates and exposes bad stuff going on, and she does it to Republicans, too. She is doing a service to Americans by illuminating what we should know with her intense investigating.
MidWeek, you folks should keep Malkin.
Richard Hutter
Calling out a liar
Thank you to Jerry Coffee for his column calling out Connecticut Senate candidate Rick Blumenthal for fibbing about his Vietnam service. I was absolutely appalled when I saw a number of veterans standing with Blumenthal when he said he merely “misspoke.” Sorry, Blumenthal misspoke on more than one occasion.
Thanks also to Mr. Coffee for calling it what it is: “lying.”
Gene Watanabe
What a waste
The special election that we just witnessed was a disastrous waste of time, energy and a million dollars. Djou will go to Washington, D.C., for five months and at the same time try to campaign so he can win the general election in November and stay permanently. The real victims are the people of District 1 who have been practically unrep-resented for the entire calendar year of 2010. The other victims are the people of the state of Hawaii, who lost their seniority in the House of Representatives and all the federal dollars that come with it. Neil Abercrombie should have stayed where Hawaii needed him most, in D.C. Abercrombie should have thought about the consequences of quitting his job and how it would impact the people of our state.
Amie Miranda
Halting hiccups
Regarding Yu Shing Ting’s column on hiccups: When the first one comes, I drink milk to coat the stomach wall. And I drink in large gulps, three or four gulps of the milk, leaving no room for air to escape my throat. This works every time. And if I don’t have milk, water will work, big gulps, a whole glassful without breathing. There you go - gone!
You may want to try it ...
Becka Groves
A surefire cure
Here’s a short and sweet, best-ever cure for hiccups: Put your four fingers in your ears, push in till you feel your pulse on both finger tips, while you breathe normally for 30 seconds. You must maintain enough pressure to keep feeling your pulse for 30 seconds. Remove your four fingers from your ears and hic-cups are gone. This one never fails, and I have been thanked by doctors for this tip many times over the years.
Ray Gruntz
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