Letters To The Editor

June 30, 2010 - MidWeek
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Gay is a choice
Recently Jade Moon expressed excitement over the newest Gallup Poll, which found “Americans support for the moral acceptability of gay and lesbian relations crossed the symbolic 50 percent threshold in 2010.”
It’s clear from this column and others by Ms. Moon that homosexuality is a perfectly normal, acceptable lifestyle, and she yearns for the day when many of the narrow-minded bigots here finally give up our prejudices and embrace her mentality.
Homosexuality, like a person predisposed to a life of violence or pedophilia, is a lifestyle choice. Despite Ms. Moon’s “facts,” the evidence is clear. The American Psychological Association says: “Various theories have proposed differing sources for sexual orientation ... However, many scientists share the view that sexual orientation is shaped for most people at an early age through complex interactions of biological, psychological and social factors.”
At this point, the most widely held opinion is that multiple factors play a role. There is no evidence that shows that homosexuality is genetic, and none of the research itself claims there is. Only the press and certain researchers do.
Despite Ms. Moon’s enthusiasm that homosexuals are more accepted than ever before, there are still countless millions of Americans who stand firm on their convictions that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, and a destructive one at that.
Christopher Roth
Foes like KKK
Thank you to Jade Moon for offering a sane and reasoned opinion about same-sex unions and civil rights - from a heterosexual, no less. Racism was once accepted in this country, and gradually it has given way to greater understanding among ethnic groups. The same is happening with the way the majority views the minority of gays and lesbians. The change is not happening fast enough for some of us, but it is inevitable, and one day we will look at people who stood in the way of equal rights for all Americans the way we look back at the KKK and others who tried to prevent African-Americans from having full citizenship.
Raeleen Jones
Suppressed sex
Sexual suppression of human beings, including heterosexuals, is a common religious tenet that has inflicted worldwide physical and psychological damage upon many people. Self-conflicted victims of “God’s moral mandates” such as gay pedophile priests become victimizers themselves as they battle their inner demons. A Christian fundamentalist group of D.C. politicians called “The Family on C Street” recently pressured the government of Uganda to establish the death penalty for homosexuals, and Muslim fundamentalists share similar intent. Missionaries to Hawaii condemned hula, surfing and Polynesian acceptance of gays as “sinful.” Thankfully some of these attitudes have evolved.
Freedom of belief gives religions every right to exist and express themselves, but trying to micromanage human nature and morality according to what they think God wants has failed throughout history. Acceptance of gays does not open the flood-gates of hell and immorality upon the earth. Instead it opens the integrated spiritual nature of human hearts and souls in place of divisive judgmental beliefs. The Declaration of Independence affirms human equality, and every religion points away from fear toward love with similar versions of “Love God and Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself.” In Hawaii, this can be summed up in one beautiful all-inclusive unconditional word: aloha.
Bruce Lee
Hawaii Kai
Surgery discounts
I just finished reading Bob Jones’ article about health insurance and have a few points for readers to think about. The insurance companies do not pay the full amount that the hospitals or doctors bill them. The truth is they pay a small percentage of the total. My brother received a 75 percent discount on his operation because he did not have insurance and paid in full at discharge. I do not have insurance either, so Straub offered me a 40 percent discount if I paid my bill within 30 days. I can only guess this is due to them not having to deal with the insurance companies that only pay a small percentage of the bill submitted to them. Oh, Medicare is a joke we all pay for!
Tom Foley
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