Letters To The Editor

August 18, 2010 - MidWeek
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Roy’s right on!
MidWeek readers are very fortunate to have outstanding, award-winning editorial cartoonist Roy Chang. Each week his cartoons are very humorous and bring many smiles to our hearts as he captures the nuance of political life in Hawaii.
For example, a few weeks ago, Chang illustrated Mufi on a horse waving “Adios” to the new interim mayor Kirk Caldwell. It shows Kirk with high boots and shovel in hand, on a heap of problems-manure, waving him goodbye! More recently, Chang showed the five mayoral candidates playing poker - with Dela Cruz betting all, Caldwell calling his bluff, Carlisle saying he is ahead, one-way Panos betting only against rail and big-meal-spender Tam offering to pay for pizzas! A picture is worth 1,000 words, and Mr. Chang’s cartoons 1,000 smiles! Lucky we live Hawaii! Roy Chang’s cartoons are as good as they come and better than most.
Wyman Au
Judging Leonard
I’m not sure whether Bob Jones or Larry Price is correct in their very different assessments of why the state Senate voted not to confirm Katherine Leonard as chief justice of the Supreme Court, but am guessing there is some truth in both Mr. Jones’view that her lack or previous experience as a judge played a role, and Mr. Price’s that local attorneys were playing mean-spirited games.
I’m also guessing, with Mr. Jones, that if Gov. Lingle had appointed Leonard as an associate justice and named a sitting member of the high court to be C.J., that would have sailed through.
Whatever the case, there has to be a better and more transparent way of choosing judges than our current system.
Arthur Lee
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