Letters To The Editor

November 03, 2010 - MidWeek
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Start cutting
Regarding David Gomes’ letter, replying to the question originally posed by editor Don Chapman - “At what point exactly does government get too big?” - Mr. Gomes floored me with his clarity: “When we can’t pay for it.”
He is a great American.
Is the government operating in the red? Then it’s too big. Time to start cutting.
Armando Mejia Takara
Ewa Beach
Turning off negative ads
I am so sick of all the negative campaign ads, I turn off the TV or radio. With so many problems in this state and country - people losing jobs and homes - the millions of money spent on campaigns could surely be used for a better cause.
Maria Bardenas
Ewa Beach
Lambert’s bad for kids
MidWeek was wrong to publish the cover story on Adam Lambert. He is gay, not a role model, and by putting him on the cover you are encouraging young people to dress and act like him.
Margaret Mills
Equal taxes for all
Bob Jones’ fervent belief that he should continue to receive a property tax incentive for his historic home paying only $300 per year is unfair.
In addition to his minimum tax incentive supposedly for maintaining his old house (mine is older than his), those living on Hawaiian Home Lands also receive the minimum tax of $300 regardless of value of their home. The unfairness is that the rest of us have to make up the difference for what they pay, or don’t pay. We all receive exactly the same city services, i.e. police, fire, garbage, parks, city administration and soon will be the added costs for operation of the rail. We all live on a very small island. Giving preference to people on what they have to pay for property taxes because of where they live is unfair and divisive.
Earl Arakaki
Ewa Beach
Like the new look
Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy MidWeek’s new format. The smaller size makes it much easier to read, and photos print with great clarity. As a longtime reader, I appreciate your efforts to improve an already great paper.
Gladys Ing
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