Letters To The Editor

Don Chapman
By Don Chapman
January 12, 2011 - MidWeek
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Noxious bums

Boy, is Bob Jones right about needing a tougher strategy to remove all those noxious people sleeping on our sidewalks, in our parks and at our bus stops!

But I suggest that we shouldn’t refer to these individuals as “homeless.” This term should be reserved for respectable persons who are going through hard times, can’t afford homes and are striving to better themselves. Instead, we should use any of a number of more-fitting terms: bums, hobos, lazy good-for-nothings, etc., to describe those individuals who have a life of mooching off the working public and have no intention of improving themselves.

They deserve neither our respect nor our sympathy.

Geoff Boehm

Back to slavery!

Dan Boylan’s article about Christmas thanks to China is right on, but 20 years too late. People knew this would happen when the “free” trade treaties (NAFTA and GATT ) were passed under Bill Clinton. But it made cozy sense because Clinton and Walmart were both from Arkansas, and Walmart is the biggest importer of Chinese-made products in the world! So now, CEOs are making unprecedented salaries because of less payroll! All in the name of profit efficiency to have their $10-million homes at the expense of our middle class.

So, if you take our current business model, what is the most efficient way to do it? Back to slavery! Also, did the tax break for the wealthy help the “regular person” in the last five years? No, it did not. Republicans saying “trickle down” theory is a joke. It is actually “trickle up.” Am I wrong?

Arthur Reppun

Adjust to times

“Social experimentation,” writes Rick Hamada, “has no place in the military.” How does Mr. Hamada feel about the “social experimentation” of desegregating the military and later including females in the military? Would he like those “experiments” to be repealed as well? I am sure there were many who felt strongly that the military was being endangered during those times. Times are a changing, sir, and you might as well get used to it.

Claire Tanaka
Pearl City

Nothing like MW

We moved here about a year ago from San Jose and at first did not understand the weekly paper that arrived at our condo. But it did not take long to appreciate the interesting stories on island people, all of the columns, the photos and of course the ads. You guys cover everything! I have never seen a paper like MidWeek before, and best of all it comes free. Thank you, and blessings in the new year!

Erin Gomes

Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
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Re: Noxious Bums

I agree with you. Reinstate the ‘No Vagrancy’ laws.

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