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Keith H. Wakamura has been promoted to vice p resident from assistant vice president for Bank of H a w a i i . Wakamura joined the bank in 2000 as a credit analyst and also served as a loan officer in the Commercial Real Estate Loan Department. He will continue his duties as senior loan officer in the business loan approval department.

Alison M. Wong has been appointed vice president for Bank of Hawaii. Wong has been a businesses banking officer at the Waikiki Ward B u s i n e s s B a n k i n g Center since 2004, assisting business clients with their deposit and credit needs.

Alexio Thomas Corleon has been hired as executive chef for Harbor Court Bistro. He has more than 15 years experience in the restaurant industry and has worked at Haleiwa Joe’s S e a f o o d Restaurant in K a n e o h e , Kapono’s in Aloha Tower Marketplace and Jackie’s Kitchen.

Dr. Randy M. Caine has been appointed dean of H a w a i i P a c i f i c University’s School of N u r s i n g . Caine has more than 24 years experience in nursing education at the university level. She most recently served as a tenured professor of nursing and the director of Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Programs in Nursing at California State University, Los Angeles.

Colleen Tanaka has been promoted from flight para-medic to clinical team supervisor for A i r M e d Hawaii. She will be responsible for providing clinical oversight to medical crew members, as well as continuing her duties as a flight paramedic, transporting patients between the islands. Tanaka has more than 14 years experience working in the medical t r a n s p o r t environment.

Dr. Danilo Ablan has been named chief medical officer of H a w a i i M e d i c a l Center West. Ablan previously served as medical director of HMC West’s Intensive Care Unit/Pulmonary Division. He also is board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary diseases, critical care medicine and sleep medicine.

Terri Ann Motosue has been appointed a managing partner for the law firm Carlsmith Ball LLP. Motosue practices in the areas of real property and corporate law and is based in the H o n o l u l u office. She is a member of the 2008 class of the Pacific Century Fellows program, and has been with the firm since 2004.
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