
Melissa Moniz
By Melissa Moniz
Friday - March 16, 2007
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Pilioha is one of those “there’s no I in team” kind of groups. Everyone’s input is equally considered, and there’s definitely no competition for the spotlight. In fact, after sitting down with them for just an hour, I could totally sense that these guys really do enjoy hanging out with each other - and I never laughed so much during an interview before.

The jokester of the group is rhythm guitarist Gary Kalehua Krug,who is first cousins with bassist Glenn Mayeda Jr., and they consider lead guitarist Kamuela Kimokea part of the family - which seems fitting, being that Pilioha translates to “a family relationship.”

Their debut self-titled album, Pilioha, which is scheduled to release March 20, is a reflection of the group’s family bond, not only among each other, but within their own growing families.

Krug, a 1994 Kamehameha graduate, has his hands full with three little keiki, and Mayeda, a 1996 Kamehameha graduate, is a proud daddy of two. Kimokea, a 2002 Castle graduate, recently married and now has some catching up to do.

“I think for us we just all really enjoy music, and because we all have a lot of things going on with our personal lives and our day jobs this is actually like a real strong hobby for us,“says Mayeda.

As for their day jobs, Krug is a university specialist at UH-Manoa, Mayeda is a DOE teacher, and Kimokea is a full-time student at BYU-Hawaii, finishing up his teaching degree.Add on their regular Wednesday night gig at Aku Bone Lounge, their every other Friday gig at Chart House Honolulu, and you have a pretty busy schedule.

“One of the things that I enjoy when we play is just looking at the people and watching them enjoy what we play,” says Kimokea.“And I think that is such a blessing that we can be in a business where people enjoy you. I enjoy that what we do usually makes people happy.”

If you want to learn more about this fun-loving trio,check out their website at www.pilioha.com

Q’n A


Where’s the best place that you’ve visited?

Glenn: I went to Tahiti once, that was cool.

Kamuela: Waimea on the Big Island. I go for Hawaiian Style Cafe’s hamburger steak.

Which reality show would you want to go on?

Kalehua: The Girls Next Door.

What’s your least favorite food?

Kamuela: Cucumbers.

Kalehua: Chinese parsley.

Glenn Mayeda Jr., Kamuela Kimokea and Gary Kalehua Krug
Glenn Mayeda Jr., Kamuela Kimokea and Gary Kalehua Krug

What’s your best joke?

Kamuela: I have a joke. The joke is: What did the rice say to the Spam in bed? You wanna get nori?

If you didn’t live in Hawaii, where would you be living?

Kamuela: I know my one and only answer - New Zealand. Even though I’ve never been there, but my wife is from there.

Living or dead, with whom would you like to have dinner?

Kalehua: Robert Wilcox, he’s the originator.

Kamuela: First and foremost, my wife.

Glenn: My grandparents.

What Hawaiian issue do you think needs the most attention?

Kalehua: Sovereignty. Independence. Addressing the issue of self-determination.

Where’s your favorite place to shop?

Glenn: E-Bay.

Kamuela: Masa and Joyce in Kaneohe. I can spend a paycheck there. Their poke is really good.

What holiday could you do without?

Kalehua: Fourth of July.

Glenn: Actually, there’s no holiday that we could do without because we love holidays. We’re state workers, so we love our holidays. We don’t believe in taking away, only adding.

What’s the best dish that you can cook?

Kalehua: I only can make fried rice good. Everything else is just basic.

Kamuela: I like to make poke.

I have a secret recipe that has like over 15 ingredients.

Where’s the best place to get a plate lunch?

All: Papa Ole’s in Hauula.

Do you have any hidden talents?

Kalehua: I’m a traditional tattoo artist. Maybe that’s not really hidden.

Glenn: Art Student of the Year in the seventh grade.

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