Breaking Promises, Grabbing Power

Wednesday - January 20, 2010
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It seems impossible that we’ve reached the year 2010.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were all buying generators, duct tape and cans of tuna for the great Y2K worldwide computer “glitch” disaster that was predicted to shut down banking, security, air traffic, power grids, the financial markets and every other large or small operation that relied on computers? The world as we knew it would screech to a cataclysmic standstill. At the stroke of midnight 12.31.99 we - I was in Waikiki - all held our collective breath bracing for the end of life as we knew it. Then suddenly, with a whimper, not a bang - except for the fireworks - it was ‘00 and Y2K was just another acronym on the digital dust heap of history with a hefty price tag of $300 billion for fixing the unbroken.
There seems to be a theme here that spans the decades. Politicians cry “crisis,” appropriate billions of dollars to fix it, then oops! no crisis after all, but our money has been spent on helping out cronies, campaign donors and growing government.
Former Vice President Al Gore’s global warming crisis has turned out to be another Y2K, on steroids. Scientific data is now turned in the other direction as evidenced by the British scientists caught cooking GW facts. Turns out only a small portion of the North Pole is warming due to volcanic activity (not coal mines), and the Northern and Southern hemisphere sea ice areas haven’t changed significantly since 1979.
Actually, they’ve cooled slightly, according to Antarctica and the Myth of Deadly Rising Seas by Marc Sheppard, editor of the Environmental Thinker. Since every public school child has been scared to death that Earth is going to burn up, I wonder, will they be told the truth now?
The political “fix” for all this phony science blaming carbon emissions on the non-warming warming scare is the cap and trade bill, which is about increasing our utility bills to force us to use less power, which I see as government power out of control intended to take away more of our freedoms.
Healthcare reform is another crisis that can only be fixed by politicians, according to them, creating another huge government bureaucracy and taking away something from one group of people who are happy with their healthcare and giving it to other people, once again spending billions of taxpayer money.
In a few years, I will be forced to give up my insurance I like and go on Medicare, which some doctors aren’t even accepting now and which will be degraded to pay for government healthcare for all. Once again, Washington is forcing Americans to do something they shouldn’t have to do if they don’t want to: change health insurance or buy health insurance at all. The majority of Americans don’t like the reform bills in Congress, but this legislation is being forced though with bribes and special deals regardless.
Since President Bush (whom I fault for many of our current woes) was blamed for everything from hurricanes to the drought in Africa, it’s time for President Obama to be held accountable for a few things, such as what he said on the campaign trail that hasn’t come to pass. Eight times he is on video telling audiences he would put the healthcare reform debate on C-Span because he believed in transparency in government. Instead the bills in both the House and Senate have been hammered out in secrecy.
Secret White House meetings have been held with union leaders about the healthcare bill. Americans have no say in the most important piece of legislation of our generation, while insurance companies have a lot of say and have been part of the negotiations of the final bill. Think they’re working in our best interest?
Obama also promised the creation of 5 million new jobs in 2009 and has given away hundreds of billions of our dollars in bailouts for job creation. Last month 185,000 more Americans lost their jobs and the unemployment rate is still 10 percent.
Punishing businesses with proposed increased unemployment taxes will only lead to more layoffs and more pain. Where are those jobs, Mr. President?
I’m trying to be positive and cheerful looking ahead to the new year, but people’s lives are at stake.
In this new decade, I’m not trusting any politicians until they prove they’re working for us. They’ve spent our money and want to raise our taxes. I say, no more spending until we see a job creation return on our bailout investment.
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