Waha Nui

August 31, 2011 - MidWeek The Islander
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A launch party Sunday will introduce David Keanu Sai‘s provocative textbook, Ua Mau Ke Ea, Sovereignty Endures: An Overview of the Political and lllegal History of the Hawaiian Islands. Be at Native Books/Na Mea Hawaii between 2 and 4 p.m. to meet him and Kaui Sai-Dudoit, who is producing a historical documentary DVD to accompany the book. Both are Kaneohe residents dedicated to correcting current understanding about the overthrow. The book may be purchased at the event or via puafoundation.org ...
A belated mahalo to Kahaluu Eagle Scouts Alex Webster and Bryan Lau of Troop 117. Alex earned his rank by recording stories of oldtime area residents (it’s on CD at Kaneohe Library). Bryan and crew improved the sidewalk drainage at Ahuimanu Community Park ...Mark “Gooch” Noguchi, chef at Heeia General Store and Deli, traveled to MA’O Organic Farms in Waianae Monday morning (Aug. 29) to share tips on good nutrition at the conclusion of a four-day White House Initiative to increase partnerships for services to Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders ...
Speaking of healthy eats, Rob Cowie of Kailua is at the forefront of research on the infamous rat lungworm disease, the cause of serious illness among people who’ve eaten contaminated produce worldwide. Rob works at the UH Pacific Biosciences Research Center and co-created a fact sheet for farmers and consumers on how to avoid it (ctahr.hawaii.edu). Best advice so far: Wash that lettuce really, really good ...
Christopher De La Cruz (Kahuku 2001) has graduated from Air National Guard basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas ... Still other Windward talents you’ll see on stage at Paliku’s Phantom of the Opera are Nai’a Aguirre, Michele Blake, Nicole Enos, Mallia Gardner, Josh HailiSoilva, Bryce Irvine, Sarah Makainai, Erik Noseth, Kalei and Tiare Sadarananda, Rachel Wong and Gabe Wright, with Kala’au as theater manager. Curtain goes up Sept. 9 (235-7310) ...
Kaneohe state Rep. Pono Chong has been elected to the executive committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures, which met this month in San Antonio ... Western Governors University in Salt Lake City has awarded degrees to Kimberly Anthony-Maeda of Kaneohe (MS in special ed) and Nelson Fotu of Laie (MBA) ...
Kalaheo High School sophomore Hannah Carnes raised $610 for the Kailua/Kaneohe Relay for Life, making her the top fundraiser for her school at the July event .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
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