Charging The Ol’ Battery

Wednesday - March 29, 2006
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I hope that my gal and I stay together forever. She’s been real good to me over the years and although we’ve been over a few bumpy roads, we have always managed to get through it. Yeah, my black ‘95 Dodge Ram truck was worth every penny I paid for her.
Of course, I haven’t always been the best owner as I’m pretty lazy. Sure, when I first bought her, it was washing and waxing every weekend, but when you work in Kaneohe where it rains nearly every day, the truck detailing thing gets old fast.
Mechanically, my truck has been rock solid and I haven’t really had to do any major work on her, knock wood. In fact, in a lot of ways we really haven’t grown old together because I’m in worse condition than she is considering the kind of mileage I have on my chassis.
The other week I was having trouble trying to start her up. After some tinkering, I figured out that the battery needed to be changed. I was at Windward Mall during my lunch break, so I barely started it up and drove straight to Sears.
I was worried that maybe it was more than just a battery. I told the technician that I didn’t care what it cost, that I didn’t want to lose my poor truck. They were already quite booked but I told them I would wait. They showed me to a little waiting room where I could stay during the labor.
It had a couple of vending machines, a wall-mounted TV with no accessible way to change the channel and a rack of Craftsman tools catalogs. In a way, I felt right at home and immediately fell asleep in my chair.
The next thing I knew someone was shaking my shoulder, telling me that the battery transplant was successful. As I wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth I felt like the happiest man on Earth. That was when the technician said my gal had somehow also contracted an STD - a surging transmission defect.
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