From NASA To Nana

Wednesday - June 07, 2006
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It’s true, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Life seems to be like a TV soap opera - I could watch it, be frozen in ice for 10 years, then when I’m defrosted and brought back to life, I could pick up the story line from where I left off.
Take kids’ toys, for example. The other weekend, our daughter celebrated her ninth birthday. Naturally, it was a joyous occasion for us and she received some nice gifts from family and friends. One of the things she wanted and got was an electronic toy known as the Tamagochi.
For those of you who live in a sealed cave, a Tamagochi is a toy from Japan that is literally a virtual video baby. I guess the object is to raise this baby, taking care of all its needs and not let it die. This toy was around at the time of POGs and today the kids are wanting the new version, V3.
It sleeps, it eats and yes, needs to be changed. It’s kind of fun to watch our daughter and her friends play with these as they have to act like parents and take care of these little creatures. It’s pretty serious stuff as they can be put into 24/7 mode and it’s like caring for a real baby.
I didn’t realize how serious until the other day when we were in our car headed to town. Our daughter suddenly realized that she left her Tamagochi at home and did not set it on pause. That meant the virtual baby could expire. The only person at home was my mom.
My daughter whipped out her cell phone and called her Nana. I guess she thought she could talk my mom through how to pause the electronic device. I didn’t give it much hope as I likened it to NASA trying to communicate to the land rover on Mars.
I listened as my daughter gave explicit instructions, “Nana, did she make doodoo? I need you to press the first button and the middle button at the same time until it says pause.” I was waiting for her to say something like, “Cut the red wire,” when my daughter smiled and hung up the phone.
I guess the Eagle had landed as she was successful in talking my mom through suspending the life of the Tamagochi V3. This was a good thing, because now I can have my daughter explain to my mom over the phone how to set our cable DVR to record The Sopranos for me.

On behalf of the “Hawaii Work at Home Moms,” Jayne Tokumi sent in their group’s site, which features products from local crafters, hobbyists and work-at-home moms and dads:
Jayne is pretty cool, so check out their site. Get to work and send your favorite sites to me at:
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