Getting A Grip On The Situation

Wednesday - February 07, 2007
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I work with a great bunch of people. I know, in business the Donald Trumps of the world will tell you not to get too personal with your co-workers and employees. I guess I would be the first to be told, “You’re fired!” by the Donald because I think of our employees as family.
Sometimes that can be detrimental, as I find none of our employees want to embarrass me if I’m in an unusual situation. I realized this the other week when I had problems with my truck’s brakes and couldn’t drive it to work.
I know this sounds like something straight out of Everybody Loves Raymond, but my kid brother lives five houses down the street from me. He was away on a trip to Vegas, so I decided to borrow a car until I could get the truck repaired.
I have a remote for his garage and, after backing the car out, the remote would not close the door. After several attempts, I disconnected the door and closed it manually. I pressed the palms of both my hands on the white door and moved it down to close.
I didn’t realize that it left a white chalk-like residue on my hands. Instinctively, like a mechanic, I wiped both hands on the back of my black pants, apparently leaving two perfect white handprints on my okole as though someone had a pretty intimate grip on me.
I went through my entire day at work with no one letting me know how ridiculous I looked. I do remember hearing some suppressed laughter behind my back, but sometimes that’s business as usual. It wasn’t until I was standing in line at 7-Eleven when a little kid behind me said to his mother, “That man has handprints on his butt.”
When I got home as I changed clothes, I explained the ordeal to my wife. She started to walk away with my black pants and I asked her what she was doing. She replied, “I’m taking them to Honolulu CSI to see who’s fingerprints they are.”
Beloved Sister Francine Gries, the heart of Hawaii’s first and largest hospice program, recently passed away. Her compassion balanced with good business sense touched the lives of many. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Francis Hospice or the Sisters of St. Francis Retirement Fund:
Say a prayer for Sister. Send your favorite websites to me at:
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