The Tortoise and The Hare-Brained

Wednesday - August 16, 2006
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For those of you who keep track, I have returned from my vacation. As you can imagine, a lot has happened during that time, so I now take the opportunity to update you on my life, which for a normal guy like me can get pretty interesting even for the most mundane experiences.
At the very start of my vacation, I was set up by my family, in particular, our 9-year-old daughter. She has been harping on me since she was able to talk to get her a pet dog. Now I love animals, but have enough sense and experience to know the real responsibilities of pet ownership.
Anyway, one day she wrote me this long letter about how she would take care of a pet. Thinking she was talking about a dog, I again had to put my foot down and say no. She looked at me with her huge puppy-dog eyes and said, “No daddy, I just want to get a little turtle.”
She explained that she and her mother stopped at a pet store and saw an adorable turtle. I pictured a little glass bowl with a little decorative island in it and a tiny turtle. I caved and said “OK.” My daughter asked me to promise, which I did.
When we went to that pet store, the “turtle” she was talking about was actually a baby African Sulcata tortoise. They can live up to 100 years and can grow up to 200 pounds. I said no way, when my daughter invoked the “promise” clause. I looked at my wife, who said, “Don’t look at me!”
$150 later, we were the proud owners of one of the world’s largest species of tortoises. I don’t know yet what we’re going to do as “Sammy” gets bigger, but I’ll worry about that when the time comes. I was probably better off getting her a dog. At least I’d have a real dog house to stay in.

Charles R. Hinman, director of education and research for the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park, submitted a site dedicated to the men who have lost their lives while serving in the U.S. Submarine Force. They want to “put faces” to the long lists of names of the Silent Service who are still on patrol: We salute those honorable men. Send in your favorite websites to me at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
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