By Dr. Teresa A. Denney
Wednesday - January 23, 2008

Check our web site. Let our photo evidence convince you,

By Dr. Teresa A. Denney D.O., LAC

Try Lipolyte for your New Year’s resolution! Well-known local boy and natural bodybuilder Michael Monis will be competing again in Honolulu, May 2008. Muscle man Michael Monis (now in his 40’s) has one message: It’s cool to be drug free! Lipolyte helped him lose fat fast without drugs and did it the natural way. He got Lipolyte, “LIPOSUCTION WITHOUT SURGERY”. It took only 4 months for him to drop 41.25 inches of fat and 4.1% body fat to kick off his workout program. Today he is now at 4% body fat and ready for the competition in November.

There are always one or two areas of fat that you struggle to get off with exercise and it won’t go away. With Lipolyte, we are able to successfully reduce those fat pockets for the frustrated individuals who workout and have that stubborn fat. It’s that simple.

Hating Those Love Handles?

In general, aging is associated with a progressive increase in weight due to slower metabolisms, eating the wrong kinds of foods, and inactivity. What many don’t realize however, is that hormone deficiencies may be at the root of midlife beer bellies and love handles. Estrogen deficiency interferes with appetite control and calorie burning, and testosterone deficiency results in a loss of muscle tissue or lean body mass and fat build-up. Unless these hormone problems are addressed, sweating through increasingly rigorous workouts and adhering to a starvation diet are not likely to produce the expected results.

One of the most exciting new treatments in years; Lipolyte does away with the traditional fat vacuum method all together to dispose of those unwanted inches by injecting lecithin, and a natural electrolyte solution called Lipolyte into the offending bulge. We call them “Fat Pockets”. Lipolyte breaks down the walls of the fat cell and the waste is then flushed out when you go to the lua.


Lipolyte is phosphatidylcholine, a purified form of lecithin. It causes lipase, an enzyme to be released. Lipase, like lecithin, occurs naturally in the body. However when injected in the subcutaneous fat, it dissolves the fat cells thereby killing and totally destroying the cell. It was first used in the 1950’s to dial down climbing cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. According to the manufacturer, Lipolyte is approved for use in Brazil, Germany, Italy, South America and in the U.S. Just like Botox is approved for off label use by the FDA.

Evidence shows it can ditch an inch or more fat off your abdomen, love handles, waist, arms or thighs and flatten under eye bags or the double chin. Lecithin injections may also help with stubborn unsightly CELLULITE; the puckering orange-peel skin that plagues 9 out of 10 women. With Lipolyte, we are injecting natural lecithin combined with minerals. Our procedure helps to tighten and lift the skin and dissolves this stubborn CELLULITE fat that commonly appears on the back of thighs and buttocks.

Michael Monis defines the perfect bodybuilder body as good symmetry with about 3% body fat. As for the secret to achieving this body, Monis says it’s genetics, and “LIPOSUCTION WITHOUT SURGERY” LIPOLYTE.

February 7, 2006 Michael was 196 lbs and 23.3% body fat. He wanted something natural to decrease his high body fat. He then asked us if the Lipolyte injections would work because he was in a hurry to get the fat off. With age, the fat reducing process took longer than he wanted. By June 14, 2006 he dropped to 19.2% body fat and weighed 190lbs, losing a total of 41.25 inches. Today he has less than 6 % body fat. Lipolyte gave him the fast start he needed to reach his goals.

Monis, has announced his retirement from the bodybuilding circuit, however he doesn’t plan to anytime soon. He has been training extremely hard with a goal to not only do well, but to also be on the cover of MuscleMag. More importantly, he wants to inspire people, especially local kids to be drug free.

“The first show I competed in was in Hawaii,” notes Monis. “For the last 10 years I have been competing in Europe. So now with an opportunity to land the cover of MuscleMag International Magazine, I would like to have my last competition in Hawaii where I grew up”. “After that I plan to eat brownies, two scoops rice and macaroni/potato salad, ice cream, and work out for fun because it is my lifestyle and not as hard as training for a competition.” (See his program on

Call today for a FREE LIPOLYTE CONSULTATION 732-0888. Visit our web site at

Financing now available with Care Credit.


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