Hearing Loss…A Misunderstood Health Problem
Wednesday - April 09, 2008

While the causes of hearing loss are many, the resultant effect is much the same. Hearing loss results in an inability to understand the spoken word. It can lead to miscommunication and frustration. In it’s mildest form, this can be just an inconvenience. As untreated hearing loss progresses, it becomes a real problem. The problem is not just for the person with the loss, it is a problem for those who need to interact with them. That includes family, coworkers and friends. It reduces your quality of life in many ways.
Help is Here
Virtually all hearing problems can be treated. In some cases, the treatment is as simple as removing excess ear wax from the ear canal. This problem can be easily detected by a simple video ear scan. A video ear-scan lets you see the inside of your ear canal on a TV monitor. The majority of hearing losses are the result of neural dysfunction in the inner ear. This is commonly referred to as “nerve hearing loss”. This type of hearing loss can usually be corrected through the use of properly fitted hearing aids. Modern hearing aids use computer aided digital technology to provide accurate correction. These hearing aids are very small and fit comfortably in the ear canal. They are virtually invisible when worn.
Free Valuable Service!
If you are an adult 18 years or older call 593-2137 for a free video ear-scan and complete audiometric hearing evaluation. This $150.00 service is offered cost free through the month of April. Copies of your test results will be given to you for your personal medical records. Call now to make an appointment.
“I Hear But I Don’t Always Understand.”
That is a classic statement by someone with a mild high frequency hearing loss. Try to imagine reading a book in which all the letters “s”, “c”, “sh” and “p” were missing. You could probably make out most of the words, however, it wouldn’t be easy. That is how high frequency hearing loss affects the ability to hear ordinary conversation. The problem gets worse when background noise is present. Hearing aids, even the modern digital models, were not able to offer much help improving hearing in places with background noise. That is until now.
New Technology Changes Everything
A new technology combines the improvements of digital hearing devices with “open” fitting techniques. The result is improved hearing in all listening situations while using a tiny, virtually invisible hearing device. The results are astonishing. It is the ideal answer for folks with a mild to moderate hearing loss. Experienced users find it to be much more comfortable than a regular hearing aid.
Low Price Guarantee
Unlike ordinary hearing aids, this new “S.O.F.T”. technology is easy on the budget as well. Fully digital, virtually invisible and starting at only $789.00, they are ideal for correcting many hearing losses. As always, Ohana Hearing Care guarantees the lowest prices and widest selection in Hawaii. Easy pay “no interest” payments are available to help you. Best of all, you still get the unbeatable value of the Ohana “Total Care” lifetime service plan.
If you would like to learn more about this new technology, either for yourself or a loved one, we have an information packet available. Just call 593-2137. We will mail the packet to you free of charge. Better yet, call for an appointment for your free hearing check-up and demonstration. You can also visit us on the web at: OhanaHearingCare.com.
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