ISLAND HEALTH Weight & Wellness
Wednesday - October 28, 2009

provides a path toward solving the health care crisis. Losing weight and getting fit is the most important basis for attaining affordable healthcare, maximizing our productivity, and enjoying a healthy lifestyle
ISLAND HEALTH Weight & Wellness can help you, and the businesses you work for, to save money, save time, and get healthy. If you are looking for a simple way to increase your enjoyment of life, achieve your goals, be more productive, and improve your bottom line, then GET HEALTHY! Join us as we work towards making the world a bit more fun and energetic.
When we gain weight, not only do we lose the ability to enjoy many activities, but the long term health and financial costs are extremely high. Heart Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Stroke, Sleep Apnea are just a few weight related diseases that cause us to lose productive and enjoyable time from our lives.
With over 17 years of experience, Island Health Weight and Wellness (IHWW) has proven techniques and programs that help overweight adults get some youthful vigor back.

IHWW takes a medical approach to weight loss without surgery. Unlike fad diets and non-medical programs, IHWW places each patient under the care of an experienced physician or P.A. that will help keep you focused as you achieve your goals using a safely monitored approach. IHWW medical staff employs regular oneon-one counseling subject to all HIPAA patient privacy laws. Appetite suppressants may be prescribed to help with your lifestyle change.
ISLAND HEALTH Weight & Wellness will work with you to lose weight, which will increase your energy and productivity and maximize your enjoyment of life.
CALL 373-8002 NOW!
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