Primary Teeth Play Important Role in a Child’s Jaw Development

By Christopher C. Lee, DDS
Wednesday - October 19, 2011

By Christopher C. Lee, DDS
Pediatric Dentist
Children’s Dental Associates

Dental hygiene is important for everyone including babies. It is important for parents and caregivers to take an active role in caring for their baby’s teeth by cleaning them at home, providing a balanced diet and scheduling regular dental visits.

A common misconception is that primary or “baby” teeth are not important because they will eventually fall out. On the contrary, a child’s first set of pearly whites set the stage for good health.

Primary teeth are important for chewing and maintaining a healthy diet, facial development and preparing the jaw for the arrival of permanent teeth.

Unfortunately, tooth decay can begin as soon as teeth emerge. Decay in the primary teeth may cause pain. It can also harm erupting permanent teeth developing inside the gums.

The good news is that tooth decay is preventable by following some simple, basic tips.

First, never allow a baby to fall asleep with a bottle containing milk, juice, sweetened liquids or a pacifier dipped in sugar or honey. This causes Baby Bottle Tooth

Decay or early Childhood Caries (cavities), the leading cause of dental decay in young children.

Second, start oral care early.

Even before the first tooth comes in, wipe baby’s gums with a clean gauze pad or towel after each feeding. Begin brushing the teeth with water as soon as the first tooth appears.

Finally, talk to a pediatric dentist about scheduling the child’s first dental visit. It is beneficial for the first visit to occur within six months of the eruption of the first tooth and no later than the baby’s first birthday.

Regular dental checkups get your child comfortable with visiting the dentist and play a big role in preventing dental decay. It’s an important step in building healthy, beautiful smiles for life.

At Children’s Dental Associates, pediatric dentists take an active role in promoting keiki dental health. We strive to provide a professional environment that is child friendly.

Through personal attention, we seek to provide valuable information and specialized care to our patients and their parents.

Children’s Dental Associates is located at the Interstate Building, 1314 S. King St., Suite 618 For more information or to make an appointment call 596-9889.




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