The Silent Health Problem
Wednesday - January 19, 2011

Ohana Hearing Care offers new technology for hearing solutions. Good hearing is essential to the full enjoyment of life. Most of us don’t realize how much even a small hearing problem adversely affects our lives and the lives of those around us. You may have a hearing loss if: People have to repeat what they say and you need the TV volume higher than others. Certain voices are more difficult to understand and you don’t hear well on the phone. You seem to hear but don’t always understand all the words. You have ringing sounds in your ears. What to do: If you suspect you may have a hearing loss, you should begin with an accurate hearing evaluation.
A simple test using an audiometer will measure your hearing. A video ear scan will indicate the condition of your ear drum and show if there is any blockage in the ear canal. Who knows? Your hearing difficulties could be due to ear wax buildup. Ohana Hearing Care provides these special services ($150 value) free of charge for adults 18 years or older. Call 593-2137 for an appointment. The results of the evaluation will indicate if you have a correctable hearing loss. It will also indicate whether you will benefit by using a hearing aid as well as how much improvement you can expect.

Technology is much improved and there have been tremendous advances in the past few years. The latest are invisible to the eye when worn. Ohana Hearing Care offers all major brands a FREE 45-day home trial. We honor all manufacturers warranties and we service all brands of hearing aids. Ohana Hearing Care clients have the assurance of our written low price guarantee. Yes, this includes the “big box” stores too. Since Ohana offers all major brand names, you can count on them to recommend the best solution for your individual hearing needs, your lifestyle and your budget All Ohana services are provided in a friendly and professional atmosphere.
Call for your free copy of our new booklet “Coping With Hearing Loss.” It offers practical tips on dealing with hearing problems for you and those close to you. Call 593-2137 to have it mailed to you. Better yet call today for an appointment. You will be glad you did.
Don’t play the waiting game. Many people postpone getting hearing help because, in their opinion, they"just miss some words.” Ohana Hearing Care’s free hearing checkup is the best way to determine whether or not you should consider trying a hearing aid.
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