Your Body Is A Temple. Keep It All Natural!

By Dr. Teresa A. Denney
Wednesday - November 12, 2008

Check our web site. Let our photo evidence convince you,

By Dr. Teresa A. Denney

Michael lost unwanted inches and gave his workout a boost with Lipolyte (LIPOSUCTION WITHOUT SURGERY). Now ACT drink continues the fat reduction.

Michael Monis is an all natural bodybuilder with acclaimed world titles. That makes him picky about what he uses in, on and around his body. One of the most exciting new treatments he found in years, Lipolyte jump started his fat elimination. Lecithin with a natural electrolyte formulation, Lipolyte does away with the traditional fat vacuum method to dispose of unwanted inches by injecting a natural purified substance called lecithin into the offending bulge. We call them “Fat Pockets”. Lipolyte breaks down the walls of the fat cell killing the cell and the waste (fat) is then flushed out when you go to the lua. Military personnel lost 1-4 % body fat and up to 12 inches in weeks. N. Mason decreased her blood sugar to normal when she decreased her body fat 3% and reduced cholesterol levels as well. One of our military patients kept his rank because his 2% body fat reduction.

Lipolyte is phosphatidylcholine, a liquid form of lecithin; it causes lipase, an enzyme, to be released. Lipase, like lecithin, occurs naturally in the body. However when Lipolyte is injected into the subcutaneous fat, it lyses the fat cells thereby killing and totally destroying the cell. It was first used in the 1950’s to dial down climbing cholesterol and triglyceride numbers and is approved for use, according to the manufacturer, in Brazil, Germany, Italy, South America and in the U.S. like BOTOX, it is approved for off label use by the FDA.

So how does Lipolyte work? Lipolyte is injected at the trouble site or sites spaced over the course of several weeks. A topical anesthetic is used at the injection site which may cause some mild swelling, bruising and or itching. We use modalities to improve lymph drainage for maximum results. After a week or two, the patient returns for the next treatment. After the treatments are over and the swelling subsides, one will find a new, fat free area; thanks to the fat dissolving properties of Lipolyte. We have protocols to get the maximum fat loss, therefore the amount of Lipolyte you need depends on your desired goal.

Lipolyte is LIPOSUCTION WITHOUT SURGERY; it is an easy, safe, and useful alternative for touch-up procedures after liposuction. The therapy involves minimal risks, little or no downtime, no general anesthesia, and no hospital stay. Call 732-0888 or visit

Addiction is not your fault it is your brain’s fault. The brain can’t function without the substance you’re addicted to.

Research has revealed that physical cravings we experience are caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters, primarily in the reward centers of the brain. These cravings and urges are major diagnostic indicators of chemical dependency. This is the same imbalance that causes the uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening withdrawal effects by discontinuing use of our addiction stimuli. Using Amino Acid IV Therapy, neural receptors which have been overly stimulated, are returned to their original state. This results in a safe and comfortable detoxification and the complete elimination of physical dependencies on the addictive substances.

Amino Acid IV Therapy was first developed by Dr. William Hitt, an award-winning physician and pioneering scientist, in the mid 1980s after a lifetime of research involving amino acids. In its initial clinical application, approximately 3000 patients were treated using NTR with a documented recovery rate three years after treatment of 70%. This is a 200%-700% increase in successful treatment over current, treatment programs. Treatment begins with a consultation with our physicians to recreate a thorough drug history.

Based upon this information, the physicians determine what amino acids will rebalance the brain chemicals or “neurotransmitters” to their original state. Amino acids and vitamins are individually formulated for each patient based on the substances that they have ever used. The formulations are then administered intravenously, under the supervision of licensed physicians and staff, each day for ten days. If you or someone you know is addicted call 1 888 898-3788 or web site today for information. Michael supports this process to help his friends naturally deal with their addictions.

Michael is hooked on A.C.T. TM “This healthy energy drink keeps me pumped and cut!”

A.C.T. The Energy Drink has Michael Monis very excited. When he and his workout buddies drink A.C.T., they have more energy for the rest of their workout. A.C.T.TM stands for Advanced Cellular Technology. This proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients includes healthy herbal stimulants, vitamins, minerals, fresh fruit extracts, phytonutrients, antioxidants, amino acids, and more! Not only does it give you a healthy energy BOOST, it is a perfect drink FOR PEOPLE LOOKING TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT. Let the benefits speak for themselves:

* Tastes great with an instant energy surge that lasts for hours!

* Promotes physical endurance, focus, and mental clarity!

* Low in sugar (diabetic friendly), sodium and has no added caffeine

* No jitters, anxious feelings, or “jolt and crash!”

* Just 24 calories and 6 carbs per serving!


* Unlike other Energy Drinks, A.C.T.TM combines the high power of an Energy Drink with the benefit of nutrition. A.C.T.TM -the World’s First Healthy Energy Drink! We have 143 cases on island, call to get your case of ACT drink now.

Visit to order and for more information.



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