Retired or Retiring Soon?

Approaching retirement requires a paradigm switch from wealth accumulation to distribution.
Ages 59 1/2 , 62 1/2 and 70 1/2 represent important milestones.
Because of Federal legislation and rules, people are forced to make decisions relating to retirement savings at these ages.
You are cordially invited to attend a FREE WORKSHOP that will help you make informed decisions about your retirement.
Seating is Limited! Call Mei Li at 521-0818 ext 113 to reserve your seat today.
This seminar is for informational purposes only. Neither New England Financial nor any of it agents are in the business of giving tax, legal or accounting advice. Attendees should consult their own professional advisors to determine the appropriateness of any course of action. New England Financial is the service mark for New England Life Insurance Company & New England Securities, Boston, MA 02116. Securities products, such as mutual funds, may be discussed.
Securities products are offered through New England Securities Corp (member FINRA/SIPC). Evans L. Taylor & Mei Li Lee are Registered Representatives of New England Securities Corp. Branch office: 1100 Ward Ave. Suite 500, Honolulu, HI 96814 (808) 521-0818. L02087219[exp0209][HI]
Understanding Social Security and Retirement Investment Strategies Workshop
* Who Receives Social Security Benefits?
* How Are Your Benefits Calculated?
* What Other Benefits Does Social Security Provides?
* When Should You Begin Receiving Social Security Benefits?
* Tax Strategies
* Inflation Concerns
* Investment Portfolio Management
* Outliving Your Retirement Income
Saturday, May 31, 2008
10:00am - 11:30am
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Place: New England Financial
(Large Conference Rm)
1100 Ward Ave Suite 500
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