Five-O What’s New for Season 2
In a world exclusive prior to season two, Daniel Dae Kim, Scott Caan, Alex O’Loughlin and Grace Park talk with MidWeek about themselves and the show. The first episode, says O’Loughlin, is ‘really good’

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were going to think. The first episode this season is not going to disappoint on the big screen, it’s really good.
(To decompress, O’Loughlin goes surfing as often as possible. As for fans, he says he reads all the letters a herculean feat unto itself!)
Conversation with Caan is a volley of one-liners, like he’s fighting to deflect all the attention, all the while an ironic glint sparkling in his exquisite blue eyes. Rather than skip off to take his turn at chess or Scrabble against Kim in between shooting (at the moment they’re tied), he sits down with MidWeek.
You practice jiujitsu. Any other amazing talents?
I don’t know if any of them are amazing, but I do a bunch of stuff (hip-hop, photography, surfing, golf).
When you were nominated for the Golden Globe, who was the first person you called?
I don’t know if I called anyone, but it was like 5 in the morning and there were a couple people staying at my house. I woke them all up.
Do you ever get acting advice from your father, the great James Caan?
I give him advice (laughs).
Do you have a say in the plot-line?
I have a say, it’s just nobody listens to me.
How do you feel about Season 2 thus far?
I like it better. And there are new people on the show who are awesome. It’s great to have new people. It kind of separates the workload a little. I’m definitely more settled into being on a television show. Last year I was frantic about everything and now I’m more relaxed.
What’s your ideal fan? Do we say hi or leave you alone?
Everybody complains about being bothered (by fans), but if they weren’t bothered they’d probably go home and be upset. The perfect fan would have a pen and a paper rather than a camera. Because sometimes I don’t have my hair “did,” you know? (laughs)
Is it pretty easy to fall into character at this point?
I try to do myself as much as I can, so falling into character is not a big stretch. I’m just doing myself with a slight Jersey accent.
Do we get to see you loosen up your tie a bit?
Look, I’m not even wearing a tie. I don’t wear a tie this season. I’ll be nude by Season 4.
German’s slender figure breaks into a graceful swing dance between takes. Right now she’s relaxing beside Caan.
Was it intimidating joining an established cast?
Everybody was lovely and welcoming. I was more intimidated with do I look believable holding a gun?
Any special preparations?
A lot! I’ve been working with our gun props guy who I believe is an ex-Marine and our Navy SEAL guy, and I’ve been training with a martial artist.
Tell us about your character.
Thus far Lori (Weston) comes from a detective, profiling and homeland security background, and she’s assigned by the governor to be the new cop in the Five-0 task force. She’s thrown in there with McGarrett and all the boys, but she knows her stuff and she’s a tough cookie.
Isn’t she a love interest for McGarrett?
I heard that might happen in the beginning, more so than I’m hearing it now. For now, there’s more of a work chemistry and mutual respect between Lori and McGarrett. As an archetype Lori is sort of not a female version of McGarrett, he’s the head honcho but she can really go toe to toe with him. They think in similar ways, really respect one another and they have a good sense of humor with each other.
What have you enjoyed most about Hawaii?
One thing that really helped me settle in here was getting my rental car. Most people talk about the North Shore, but I like going to the East shore and getting in the water for a nice swim, or I’ll drive somewhere and then just walk and look at the beautiful scenery. I like to explore and go on hikes. The boys think I should take surf lessons, which I think will be an absolute pear-shaped debacle, but I’ll give it a shot.
The man who plays our favorite quirky morgue expert, Doc Bergman, pops onto the set for a moment even though he’s not shooting today. He agrees to sit down for a chat.
Did you visit a real morgue to prepare for your role?
The biggest preparation was just going through my old chemistry and biology books and trying to get those tongue twisters down because there’s a lot of scientific jargon. It is literally speaking a foreign language.
Are you as quirky as your character?
I guess with enough booze anybody’s quirky (laughs). With any character you play, there’s definitely a piece of you in that character. It’s just a portion of you that’s really heightened and exaggerated.
What’s been a highlight of your time in Hawaii?
The people are very warm, the locations are beautiful, the ocean. Last weekend I had an opportunity to go to the Big Island and I went up Mauna Kea that was amazing.
We’re going to see a lot more of you now as a series regular in Season 2. Has your role in Season 1 already garnered a lot of attention from fans?
People still recognize me from Heroes, but now people are starting to recognize me from Hawaii Five0. It’s interesting to see that transition. In Hawaii I get fans from Japan and America, so I get bombarded from both sides.
We’ve been told Park is currently at home in Canada, but suddenly she materializes on set, fresh from a workout, and invites us into her trailer. She’s all bright eyes and dimples. With her lengthy but sturdy stature and broad shoulders which are nevertheless gracefully feminine. She’s mesmerizing.
How did you feel when Season 1 ended in a sad state of affairs for all of the characters?
That’s so funny. I actually haven’t seen that last episode yet and I can see how a viewer might see it as sad, but when I read it and when we shot it, it was more like one bomb dropping after another a lot of cliffhanger stuff.
What can fans expect of the Season 2 premiere?
I think fans are going to be pleased with where we pick up. It’s not going to be “two years later.” We pick back up so you can find out what happens to the team. But it’s not like we just tie a neat bow on it. It’s regular Five-0, it’s not going to be simple.
When you watch the show, who do you watch it with?
When I first started watching, it was with friends who all work on the show. We all came from different departments some from camera, sound. People would be going, “Oh my god, that episode was great, your hair was perfect!” (laughs), and the last thing I’m thinking about is my hair.
Then we stopped getting together every week, so I watched it on my own. But every time the teaser finished, the theme song played really loud and my balcony windows were open so I’d have to run and put the volume way down. I felt all embarrassed with my neighbors like, “What is she doing watching her own show up there late at night?”
What did you do while on hiatus? I went traveling to Morocco and Turkey.
Did people there recognize you? Nobody in Morocco. I was thrilled. But then just two weeks ago the people I was hanging out with there were like, “We just saw you on the show, send us a photo.” So I guess it just hit maybe.
Do you get as big of a fan response in Canada as you do in Hawaii?
I feel like in Canada they’re more restrained and they give you your space. Americans are more on the side of friendly. In Canada it’s more “Excuse me,” versus “Hey, it’s Kono!” Or sometimes (in America) they’ll start yelling my name. No one yells my name in Canada. But there’s a lot of novelty to the show. There’s certainly a wide-eyed sense to people when they mention the show.
How do you stay physically fit for your role?
When there’s a stunt scene coming up, if you don’t train the scene’s not going to look as good and you might injure yourself a
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